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Methamphetamine Meth How it works Cycle of meth abuse Long term effects.

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Presentation on theme: "Methamphetamine Meth How it works Cycle of meth abuse Long term effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methamphetamine Meth How it works Cycle of meth abuse Long term effects

2 PBS Frontline The Meth Epidemic Impact on the user’s brain Triggers nerve cells to release the neurotransmitter Dopamine. It blocks the reuptake mechanism. (cocaine animation)(cocaine animation) Dopamine floods the synapse. Short term rush of pleasure and a feeling of euphoria that lasts 6-12 hrs.


4 Cycle of Meth Abuse Rush Feel pleasure Increase heart rate Increase blood pressure High Feel energized & invincible May become aggressive & violent Bingeing Keep using Stay awake 3-15 days Paranoia & hallucinations Tweaking Coming off of high Nothing can take away the feelings of depression Crash Sleep from 1-3 days Withdrawal No immediate acute physcal symptoms 30-90 days later Depressed, unable to feel pleasure SLO Tribune 3/11/07

5 Long term effects Meth mouth (link to video clip ~scroll down to find it)(link to video clip ~scroll down to find it) Increased heart rate enlarges the heart Judgement center shut down Appearance changes –Weight loss –Destroys tissues ~ can’t repair themselves –Look older –Acne (faces of meth)(faces of meth)

6 Long term effects cont. Brain can’t release dopamine –Axon terminals which release dopamine destroyed –May lose the ability to feel good –Irreversible brain damage –Memory loss –Schizophrenia & uncontrollable shaking is possible Hallucinations –Imagine bugs crawling under the skin –Scratching –Causes sores that are hard to heal

7 Long term cont. Increased risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV, Hepatitis C Decreased resistance to illness Liver damage Stroke Death

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