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Incubators on the Côte d’Azur Our experiences and our goals Metropolis forum Wien 23-25 january 2003.

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1 Incubators on the Côte d’Azur Our experiences and our goals Metropolis forum Wien 23-25 january 2003

2 Contents of the Presentation I The Two Incubators on the Côte d’Azur II Our problems and our objectives III Networking incubators in France

3 I Incubators on the Côte d ’Azur  IPE: EAST PACA INCUBATOR: closely linked to the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.  CEI: CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION) linked to the Nice Business School CERAM and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Côte d ’Azur. NB PACA Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur

4 Nice Côte d ’Azur International Airport Nice/Sophia Antipolis area: two incubators

5 The Incubateur Paca Est  Organizes « Doctorial Days », where entreprises meet universities and partners seek to promote common platforms for public and private researchers.  Focuses on public sector research, hospitals (CHU) have just joined the partnership  Diversity: Hosts projects from ICT, biotechnologies and e-learning musicology  Delivers pre-seed finance via PACA VALO.

6 The CEI ( Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre )  Combines academic research with incubation support (eg: studies startup success and failure, clusters, TT etc.) and delivers intrapreneuship seminars.  Provides an incubator for high tech start ups AND the CERAM Business school students.  Observation agency on the start up trends on the Côte d’Azur.  Organizes the IVCS (International Venture Capital Summit).

7 Other incubation and business support and property facilities  The CICA International Centre for Advanced Telecommunications provides floorspace for start up companies and offers a range of shared facilities such as seminar rooms, amphitheatre and technical office support (servers, photocopying etc).  Antipolis Innovation Campus provides office and support services.

8 II Our problems and our goals  Lack of low cost real estate facilities for creators leaving the incubators  No physical incubator yet in the Nice urban area, opportunities in healthcare and biotechs.  Further development of the public regional pre-seed funds (PACAVALO)

9 Creating new incubation structures  Attract new research institutions and university labs to the Côte d’Azur to reinforce clusters and incubation activities.  Essential to create links between Nice urban area and Sophia Antipolis Technopole.  Nice University Valorisation structure is very young (<1year) but good potential.  Support private sector incubation projects such as aerospace, multi media with Nice Chamber of Commerce, IRT Strategy etc.

10 III Networking French Incubators: France Technopole Entreprise Innovation  FTEI develops exchange of experiences and promotes incubation network in France.  This French network also encourages and assists the development of new incubators or technopoles. FTEI Network’s website ( connects all members’ websites towards 8700 innovative companies. Strong links with: IASP (International Association of Science Parks), EBN (European Business and Innovation Network),

11 France Incubation  France Incubation: provides a network between all incubators.  Key links:

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