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1 Adaptive, Optimal and Reconfigurable Nonlinear Control Design for Futuristic Flight Vehicles Radhakant Padhi Assistant Professor Dept. of Aerospace Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Adaptive, Optimal and Reconfigurable Nonlinear Control Design for Futuristic Flight Vehicles Radhakant Padhi Assistant Professor Dept. of Aerospace Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Adaptive, Optimal and Reconfigurable Nonlinear Control Design for Futuristic Flight Vehicles Radhakant Padhi Assistant Professor Dept. of Aerospace Engineering Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Abha Tripathi Project Assistant

2 2 Project Plan  Date of Commence: 1 st October 2006  Project duration : 2.5 Years  Staff members:  Shree Krishnamoorthy, Project Assistant, Oct-Dec 2006.  Kaushik Das, Ph.D. student, January-July, 2007.  Abha Tripathi, Project Assistant, Aug.2007…continuing.  Apurva chunodhkar, a B. Tech. student from IIT-Bombay and Siddharth Goyal, a B.E. student from Punjab Engineering College have worked in sporadic engagements  Jagannath Rajshekharan, Project Assistant, has also worked in sporadic engagements

3 3 Summary  Two parallel directions have been explored in this project. Firstly, a new dynamic inversion approach has been developed and is experimented on a low-fidelity model of a high performance aircraft (F- 16). Comparatively, it leads to some potential benefits:  Elimination of non-minimum phase behavior of the closed loop response  Less oscillatory behavior  Lesser magnitude of control  Robustness study was carried out for the above approach with uncertainties in aerodynamic force and moment coefficients and inertia parameters

4 4 Summary  Secondly, a structured neuro – adaptive control design idea has been developed which treats the kinematics and dynamics of the problem separately.  Modeling and parameter inaccuracies are considered by using neural network which dynamically capture the unknown functions that are used to design a model- following adaptive controller.  Sigma correction was done in the weight update rule.  This idea is found to be successful on a satellite attitude problem.

5 5 Command Tracking in High Performance Aircrafts: A New Dynamic Inversion Design

6 6 Airplane Dynamics(F-16): Six Degree-of-Freedom

7 7 Definitions and Goal Total Velocity : Roll Rate (about x-axis): Roll Rate (about velocity vector): Normal Acceleration: Lateral Acceleration: Goal: where are pilot commands P*, P w *, n z *, n y *, V T *

8 8 Control Synthesis Procedure Define new variables : Key observation: Known:

9 9 Control Synthesis Procedure Longitudinal Maneuver Pilot commands: Roll Rate (bank angle rate): Normal Acceleration: Lateral Acceleration: Total Velocity : Lateral Maneuver Pilot commands: Roll Rate (bank angle rate): Normal Acceleration: Lateral Acceleration: Total Velocity :

10 10 Control Synthesis Procedure Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Maneuver Pilot commands: Roll Rate (about velocity vector): Normal Acceleration: Lateral Acceleration: Total Velocity :

11 11 Control Synthesis Procedure Design a controller such that After some algebra, Finally:

12 12 Results: Longitudinal Tracked Variables Control Variables

13 13 Results: Lateral Mode Tracked Variables Control Variables

14 14 Results: Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Tracked VariablesControl Variables

15 15 Summary Existing Method: Assumption: Need of integral control More number of design parameters (10-12) Works New Method: Assumption: No such need (No wind-up) Less number of design parameters (5-7) Works better...! Lesser control magnitude Smoother transient response Better turn co-ordination

16 16 Robustness Study Nominal Controller given to the actual system having uncertainties Perturbation assumed in the inertia parameters and aerodynamic force and moment coefficients Normal distribution used for introducing randomness in the parameters with mean value as the nominal value of the parameters and standard deviation as 1/3 of maximum allowed perturbation in that parameter.

17 17 Robustness Study Inertia parameters varied from 5 to 10% Aerodynamic coefficients varied from 1% to 10%. Simulation were carried out for 50 cases in each mode. In each simulation study, the aim was to declare it as a success or failure

18 18 Longitudinal Mode

19 19 Longitudinal Mode Aerody-namic Coefficients 1% 2% 5% 10% Inertia Parameters 5%10%5%10%5%10%5%10% Percentage Success 100% 96%92%76%70%48%40%

20 20 Lateral Mode

21 21 Lateral Mode Aerody-namic Coefficient 1% 2% 5% 10% Inertia Parameter 5%10%5%10%5%10%5%10% % Success 100 94888680

22 22 Lateral Mode

23 23 Lateral Mode Aerody-namic Coefficient 1% 2% 5% 10% Inertia Parameter 5%10%5%10%5%10%5%10% Percentage Success 100% 98%94%76%

24 24 Lateral Mode

25 25 Combined Mode Aerody-namic Coefficient 1% 2% 5% 10% Inertia Parameter 5%10%5%10%5%10%5%10% Percentage Success 100% 96%94%54%42%28%24%

26 26 Conclusion When aerodynamic coefficients are perturbed by 5% and the inertia parameters by 10%, the controller is robust Increase in inertia parameters does not affect the percentage success Aerodynamic coefficients are more sensitive than inertia parameters

27 27 Enhancement of Robustness Augment Dynamic inversion with Neuro -Adaptive Design

28 28 Adaptive Approach (Lateral case) Nominal Outputs: Actual Outputs: Approximate Outputs:

29 29 Adaptive Approach Goal: Strategy: Steps for assuring : Solve for adaptive controller

30 30 Adaptive Approach Steps for assuring Error Error Dynamics

31 31 Adaptive Approach Error Dynamics NN Training Lyapunov Function Candidate

32 32 Adaptive Approach Weight Update Rule: Condition For stability:

33 33 A STRUCTURED Approach for Attitude Maneuver of Spacecrafts

34 34 Neuro-adaptive Control: Generic Theory  Actual plant  Total tracking error  Tracking error dynamics Assumption Unknown function

35 35 Neuro-adaptive Control: Generic Theory  Objective of adaptive controller:  Approximate System:  Model-following strategy: NN Approximation

36 36  Universal approximation property:  Error :  Error dynamics for the individual i th error channel: Step I: Assuring Weight vector Basis function vector

37 37 Neural Network Training by Lyapunov Analysis Lyapunov function candidate:

38 38 Neural Network Training with Stability  Weight Update Rule:  Sufficient condition: where

39 39 SATELLITE Attitude Dynamics  Attitude kinematics  Angular rate dynamics Nominal DynamicsActual Dynamics  Objective of Control Design:,

40 40 Nominal Control : Problem Specific Formulation  Tracking error for nominal system:  Tracking error dynamics:  Solving for nominal control

41 41 Neuro-adaptive Control : Problem Specific Formulation  Tracking error for actual plant:  Expanding the following terms as:  Tracking error dynamics:  Basis function selection:

42 42 Simulation Results: Nominal vs. Adaptive Control for actual system MRPsAngular rates (I) Constant disturbances & parameter uncertainties

43 43 Simulation Results: Nominal vs. Adaptive Control for actual system Control Unknown function capture (II) Constant disturbances & parameter uncertainties

44 44 Publications  Conference Publications  Radhakant Padhi, Narayan P. Rao, Siddharth Goyal and S.N. Balakrishnan, “ Command Tracking in High Performance Aircrafts: A new Dynamic Inversion Design”, 17 th IFAC Symposium on Automatic control in Aerospace, Touolose, France.  Apurva Chunodkar and Radhakant Padhi, ” Precision attitude Manoeuvers of Spacecrafts in Presence of Parameter Uncertainities and disturbances: A SMART Approach”, 17 th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Touolose, France.  Radhakant Padhi and Apurva Chunodkar, “ Model-Following Neuro - adaptive Control Design for attitude maneuvers for rigid bodies in Presence of Parametric Uncertainties and disturbances", International Conference on advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, Bangalore, India, 2007.  Abha Tripathi and Radhakant Padhi,” Robustness Study of A Dynamic Inversion Control Law For A High Performance Aircraft ”, International Conference on Aerospace Science And Technology, to be held on 26 – 28 June 2008, Bangalore, India.

45 45 Publications  Journal Publications  Radhakant Padhi, Siddharth Goyal, Narayan P. Rao and S.N. Balakrishnan, “ A Direct Approach for Nonlinear Flight Control Design of High Performance Aircrafts”, Submitted to Control Engineering Practice.  Jagannath Rajsekaran, Apurva Chunodkar and Radhakant Padhi, ” Precision Attitude Maneuver of Spacecrafts Using Structured Model-Following Neuro -Adaptive Control”, Submitted to Control Engineering Practice.  Radhakant Padhi and Apurva Chunodkar, “ Precision Attitude Maneuver of Spacecrafts Using Model - Following Neuro – Adaptive Control ”, To appear in Journal of Systems Science & Engineering.

46 46 Questions And comments

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