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ECARE+ FP7 Workshop “Seamless aircraft health management for a permanent serviceable fleet” PARAGON LTD Company Presentation Expression of Interest Harry.

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Presentation on theme: "ECARE+ FP7 Workshop “Seamless aircraft health management for a permanent serviceable fleet” PARAGON LTD Company Presentation Expression of Interest Harry."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECARE+ FP7 Workshop “Seamless aircraft health management for a permanent serviceable fleet” PARAGON LTD Company Presentation Expression of Interest Harry Tsahalis - Head of R&D

2 PARAGON LTD ECARE+ FP7 2 nd Call workshop_Birmingham_UK_ GOLD Level 25 th December 2007 PARAGON LTD Research & Development SME with Industrial Services, established in 1995. Involved in multi-sector EC research initiatives since Framework Programme IV (FP4) as an RTD Performer. Active presence in many European research areas since FP4, including: Transport  IST & ICT  Security  Energy  Environment  NMP  Innovation & SMEs EPoSS - European Technology Platform on Smart-Systems-IntegrationFull Member of “EPoSS - European Technology Platform on Smart-Systems-Integration”.

3 PARAGON LTD ECARE+ FP7 2 nd Call workshop_Birmingham_UK_ GOLD Level 25 th December 2007 Fields of Expertise  Structural Health Monitoring / Health Usage Monitoring  Prognosis - Diagnosis / Preventive Maintenance / NDT  Active Vibration & Noise Control  Optimization Techniques & Algorithms  Artificial Intelligence Techniques / Expert Systems  Human Response - Performance Modelling & Tools  Sensor & Actuator Networks  Data Acquisition (DAQ) / Digital Signal Processing (DSP)  Knowledge & Technology Transfer

4 PARAGON LTD ECARE+ FP7 2 nd Call workshop_Birmingham_UK_ GOLD Level 25 th December 2007 Interests Areas Per Theme  Aircraft and Engine Health monitoring  Aircraft Level:   SHM Systems (Specific and/or Wide-Area)  Integrated – Multi-Purpose Systems (e.g., SHM + Vibration Control + Other)  Other Aircraft Systems (e.g., Electrical Systems)  Engine Level:   Engine Monitoring - Prognosis - Diagnosis (In-flight / Ground)  TATEM: ANNs -based Engine Component Fault Detection

5 PARAGON LTD ECARE+ FP7 2 nd Call workshop_Birmingham_UK_ GOLD Level 25 th December 2007 Interests Areas Per Theme  Control electronics for actuation and utility systems o Special Interest for Actuation Systems Maintenance - Prognostics - Diagnosis  Data Management  Ground crew support: Process-oriented approaches - Integration of prognostic Data into the maintenance planning - Embedded training (Non-specific knowledge methods)  Ensuring Customer Satisfaction & Safety (several potential topics)  Other Novel Methods / Expertise Integration with Own Methods (potential propositions for collaboration from Greece)

6 PARAGON LTD ECARE+ FP7 2 nd Call workshop_Birmingham_UK_ GOLD Level 25 th December 2007 Current RTD Activities I MOET: More Open Electrical Technologies [I.P.]MOET: More Open Electrical Technologies [I.P.]  Simulation / Failure Modes  Noise Attenuation TATEM: Technologies And Techniques for nEw Maintenance concepts [I.P.]TATEM: Technologies And Techniques for nEw Maintenance concepts [I.P.]  Strand 5420: Data & Information Fusion & Analysis / Prognosis - Diagnosis / Situation Assessment [BAES, PARAGON] AVERT: Aerodynamic Validation of Emission Reducing Technologies [STREP]AVERT: Aerodynamic Validation of Emission Reducing Technologies [STREP]  Active Flow Control Network Optimization MESEMA: Magnetoelastic Energy Systems for Even More electric Aircraft [STREP]MESEMA: Magnetoelastic Energy Systems for Even More electric Aircraft [STREP]  Energy Harvesting Network Optimization for Aircraft & Helicopter structures

7 PARAGON LTD ECARE+ FP7 2 nd Call workshop_Birmingham_UK_ GOLD Level 25 th December 2007 Current RTD Activities II HEACE: Health Effects in Aircraft Cabin Environment [GROWTH]HEACE: Health Effects in Aircraft Cabin Environment [GROWTH]  ANN-based Human Response & Performance Model for Long-Haul flights for Cockpit / Cabin Crew and Passengers, i.e., “Virtual Passenger” (Health-Comfort-Safety) SENSE-Smart Embedded Network of Sensing Entities [ IST-Embedded Systems, STREP]SENSE-Smart Embedded Network of Sensing Entities [ IST-Embedded Systems, STREP]  Automatically Acting Wide-Area Networks of Smart Sensors (autonomous nodes, wireless communication, de-centralised)  Application to Airport Terminal Security - Civil Security Monitoring Platform SWOP-Semantic Web-based Open engineering Platform [IST-NMP, STREP]SWOP-Semantic Web-based Open engineering Platform [IST-NMP, STREP]  ICT support in fast and flexible production of customised but industrialised complex products and services.  Platform based on integration of Semantic Web technologies and Genetic Algorithms for “Smart Manipulation” of Semantic Data.

8 PARAGON LTD ECARE+ FP7 2 nd Call workshop_Birmingham_UK_ GOLD Level 25 th December 2007 Framework Programme 7 Contribution / Participation to 15 Submitted Proposals ( May 2007 - November 2007 ) So far (without all results in)  2 Successes achieved… ADOSEAD  Level 1 project: ADOSE: Reliable Application Specific Detection of Road Users With OSE Vehicle On-Board SEnsors (Centro Ricerche Fiat-CRF, Italy)  Level 2 project: SHM RTD focus (France).

9 Contact Details Harry Tsahalis Head of R&D +30. 210. 2220. 008 –Tel. +30. 210. 2220. 008 +30. 210. 2220. 019 –Fax. +30. 210. 2220. 019 –Email. PARAGON LTD

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