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NASA Academy NASA Academy Congress and Five Year Reunion Weekend 12 July 1997.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA Academy NASA Academy Congress and Five Year Reunion Weekend 12 July 1997."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA Academy NASA Academy Congress and Five Year Reunion Weekend 12 July 1997

2 NASA Academy Space Grant Research Seminars Site Visits Group Project Other NASA Centers Other Federal Laboratories Industry Academia Research Associate

3 NASA Academy Evolution # of Research Associates per year ‘93‘94‘95‘96‘97 TOTAL GSFC1924232423113 MSFC1414141052 ARC1010 DFRC55 GRAND TOTAL 180

4 National Evolution

5 Current Status  Research Associate selection  ARC:10 students/30 applications  DFRC:5 students/14 applications  GSFC: 23 students/80 applications  MSFC: 10 students  Draft Profile Book  GSFC on-line 1997 draft Profile Book

6 Program Elements  Research  Seminars  Site Visits  Group Project

7 Research  ARC - Astrobiology  DFRC - Aeronautics  GSFC - Earth Science, Space Science, Technology  MSFC - Transportation systems, Microgravity research

8 Status of GSFC Group Projects  1993  Feasibility study for launch opportunities to Jupiter for Shoemaker-Levy comet impact  NASA slide presentation for public outreach  1994  Increasing educational community accessibility to Get Away Special (GAS)  1995  NASA Academy Alumni Association  Developing an SR-71 based launch vehicle  1996  Mars conference multimedia presentation  Red Rover Mars base

9 Mission of the NASA Academy Alumni Association  Ensure the quality of the Academy programs  Promote communications, fellowship, camaraderie, and an esprit de corps among Alumni  Participate in programs that promote NASA and space education, and communicate the excitement of space exploration

10 Status of the NAAA  Non-profit corporation created  Executive Council of NASA Academy alumnus established  Board of Advisors of distinguished aerospace professionals being created

11 NAAA Short-term Goals  Create WWW page for Academy information and as Space Grant resource (1,800 hits since 8 April = 19 hits/day)  Establish Alumni database  Hold Academy Congress 11-13 July 1997  Prepare Academy presentation package for Space Grant by October 1997  Elect first set of officers in November 1997  Fund Academy student during summer 1998

12 NAAA Long-term Goals  Getting feedback to Space Grants  Making Academy a national program  Creating a partnership between NASA, Space Grant, and Alumni

13 NAAA Finances  Goal by end of fiscal year (30 September 1997)  Income: $12,500  Expenses: $9,000  Balance: $3,500  Progress so far (since 22 February 1997)  Income: $8,500  Alumni/Friends of the Academy donations: $1,000  Corporate donations:$2,750  Expenses: $7,500  Balance: $1,000

14 Potential Board of Advisors  Dr. Gerald Soffen, chair  Mr. Norman Augustine  Dr. France Cordova  Dr. Peter Diamandis  Mr. Daniel Goldin/General John Dailey  Mr. Noel Hinners  Mr. John Holt  Dr. William Kirwan/ Dr. Freeman Hrabowski  Dr. John Klineberg  Mr. Alan Ladwig  Dr. Eugene Levy  Senator Barbara Mikulski  Dr. Bruce Murray  Dr. Story Musgrave  Mr. Dave Thompson  Dr. Kathryn Thornton/ Dr. Kathryn Sullivan  Dr. Larry Young  Mr. Thomas Young

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