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Kristine Estrada July 21, 2005 Kennesaw State University.

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1 Kristine Estrada July 21, 2005 Kennesaw State University

2 Topic: This lesson will focus on Rain Forest, Desert, Pond, and Ocean. Resources:Encyclopedias, library books, internet connection, movies, pictures Specific Content Area: Science: Habits of Mind S2CS1: Students will be aware of the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works. S2CS6: Students will be familiar with the character of scientific knowledge and how it is achieved. Science: Life Science S2L1: Students will investigate the life cycles of different living organisms. Reading Comprehension ELA2R4: The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning From grade-level text. Writing ELA2W1: The student demonstrates competency in the writing Process. Listening/Speaking/Viewing ELA2LSV1: The student uses oral and visual strategies to Communicate.

3 1.Overview 2.Introduction 3.Process 4.Resources 5.Evaluation 6.Conclusion 7.Student Questions

4 The students have been learning about animals and their habitats in class and this is a project that concludes the unit. The students will continue learning about four habitats. These habitats are Rain Forest, Desert, Pond, and Ocean. The student will examine a habitat and learn about the climate, surroundings, and animals. Through research, the student will take notes on their assigned habitat on a table provided by the teacher. Then once research is compiled amongst both groups, the two groups will make a Venn Diagram. The students will chart this information in a Venn diagram upon completion of research to compare and contrast the four habitats. The students will make a chart comparing their information. Then the student will use their information to write a paper about their habitat and do a diorama. The students will need to have allotted research time. Their research can be done in the library using books and magazines. In the classroom, I will allow the students to have computer time to view various websites that correlate with their topic. During this time, the students will need to gather data.

5 Group One (Rain Forest and Desert) Researcher: The student will go to and to view information about their The student will use library access to gather materials that support their habitat findings. The student may check out movies that support animals and their habitats from the library Recorder: The student will record data found from the materials viewed on a data collection sheet. A Venn Diagram will be used to chart information. Group Two (Pond and Ocean) Researcher: The student will go to and to view information about their The student will use library access to gather materials that support their habitat findings. The student may check out movies that support animals and their habitats from the library Recorder: The student will record data found from the materials viewed on a data collection sheet. A Venn Diagram will be used to chart information.

6 1.Group One and Group Two collectively gather their information using a data sheetdata sheet. 2.The students will compile their research on a table.table 3.Once they have gathered sufficient information on their assigned habitats, the two groups will compare and contrast their information on the two habitats using a Venn Diagram.Venn Diagram 4. The students will make a chart using their gained knowledge to representchart similarities and differences. 5. The groups will present the information to their teacher for review. 6. Then the students will compose a written paper supporting their findings on one of the habitats. 7. Extension Activity: Student will make a diorama representing their habitat.

7 1.Library Books on Animals and Habitats 2.Encyclopedia books 3.Movies on material being studied 4.Magazines 5.Internet Sites that support material 6.Color Printer

8 1The overall goal in this assignment is for the students to apply their knowledge learned about habitats. They are doing this by researching using multiple resources, applying information to data sheets, using a Venn Diagram as representation of information, and sorting through information using a table. 2. The teacher will be looking for representation in each area using a rubric. This rubric will be shared with students in the beginning rubric of this assignment to show students what needs to be present. 3. Upon completion of this research assignment, the student will write a paragraph or more about a habitat of their choice. 4. The student will represent this habitat with a diorama made at home.

9 The students were able to work in a group on a task. Through collaboration, the tasks given by the teacher were worked on in a systematic process. The students organization of research allowed them to effectively display their learned information. This assignment allowed the students to use a variety of resources and depict the information necessary for the table components. The students were able to display their information in a variety of forms, such as a data table, Venn Diagram, and charts. This type of assignment helps them in looking and charting information in the years to come. Upon completion of this collaborative assignment, each individual student will be responsible to use their information and write a paragraph depicting their new information and also use some creativity in making a representation of their chosen habitat in a diorama.

10 Did you enjoy the assignment? Did you work well with your partners? If there was conflict, how did you resolve? Did the graphs and tables help with your tasks? Did you have any questions as you gathered your information? Do you feel more knowledgeable about Habitats?

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