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MEASUREMENT TEAM MUSC Excellence. Measurement Team Co-chairs – Lynn Shull (CON) and Becki Trickey (CHP) Members –  Wally Bonaparte (President’s Office)

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2 Measurement Team Co-chairs – Lynn Shull (CON) and Becki Trickey (CHP) Members –  Wally Bonaparte (President’s Office)  Kathy Chessman (SCCP)  Philip Hall (Steering Committee Liaison)  Carol Lancaster (Provost’s Office)  Sandra Morris (OEM)  Betsy Pilcher (CDM)  Joann Sullivan (Research Development, CGS)  Bart Yancey (Steering Committee Liaison)  Jim Zoller (CHP)  David McNair (coach)

3 Measurement Team - Purpose Determine and/or develop Pillar Goal metrics Interpret and communicate progress toward goals Become the in-house experts Develop user-friendly, easy to read reports Identify trends, areas for improvements and ‘wins’!

4 Measurement Team - Assumptions Utilize current methods for measurement when available Minimize “survey fatigue” Recommend central office for collection and analysis of data, and reports Identify areas where confidentiality/security are an issue Determine appropriate timing for surveys Recommend methods to Steering committee

5 Year 1 Work Plan- People Pillar  Faculty made right choice in selecting MUSC at __% or higher  use baseline data if colleges/units already have  develop new survey based on CON survey  identify best timing for administration of survey  __% of Staff pleased to be working at MUSC  use baseline data if colleges/units already have  develop new survey based on CON survey  Identify best timing for administration of survey

6 Year 1 Work Plan – Service Pillar Graduating students believe they made the RIGHT choice in selecting MUSC at __% or higher or would choose this experience again  Gather from college exit interviews Summer 09  Identify standard wording Summer 09  Gather results Summer 09 Define stewardship to our respective communities and identify measures by Jan 2010  Gather educational outreach activities that are currently occurring

7 Year 1 Work Plan – Quality Pillar Achieve Pass Rate on licensure credentialing, or board exams of 96% -  Colleges report pass rates to Office of Integrated Planning and Assessment  Summer/Fall 09 Achieve 95% graduation rate within each program  OEM can generate reports  Summer/Fall 09 Achieve E-Value score of 4.2 or higher for students satisfied with faculty eff. as teacher  Use E-value to gather this information through provost’s office or colleges  Data to be available Summer 09 Achieve top 50% ranking for total funding of research as compared to peer institutions  Assoc Provost for Research  Colleges/units may identify specific peer institutions

8 Year 1 Work Plan – Growth Pillar Graduating Student perception of Interprofessional cooperation Increase 3%  Provost’s office (C3 initiative) has baseline  Data to be available Summer 09

9 Year 1 Work Plan – Finance Pillar Budget to actual – Actual expenses will not exceed any revised budgets for FY 2009  Occurs with budget cycle Confidentiality issue – Mteam should not receive information but should know it has occurred.

10 Measurement Team - Considerations Determine communication methods  Website  Liaisons  LDIs  Questions Determine best methods for coordination with colleges and units  Liaisons

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