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EPOS-PP Work Package 3 Governance John Ludden British Geological Survey/NERC U.K.

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1 EPOS-PP Work Package 3 Governance John Ludden British Geological Survey/NERC U.K.

2 WP3 - Objectives To establish effective structures for governance of and decision making within the EPOS legal entity during the construction phase. To establish partnership policies. To establish access rules for users. To develop policies for risk and quality management. To develop and determine arrangements for hosting the legal entity, including headquarters and data centres.

3 WP3 – Tasks and leaders 3.1 Analysis of options for, and establishment of, governance framework BGS (Ludden), CNRS, ORFEUS, INGV 3.2 Development of policies for partnership integration CSIC (Gallart), INGV, Tubitak, IGASCR, BGS, NOA 3.3 Access rules for users IG ASCR (Zednik), ORFEUS, NOA, IGF PAS 3.4 Risk and quality management BGS (Ludden), CNRS, INGV 3.5 Defining the nodes of the distributed Research Infrastructure ORFEUS (van Eck), Tubitak, BGS, UU, NOA

4 Task 3.1 Governance framework Review options for governance models (including ERICs) for the EPOS construction phase in concert with WP2 Deliverable 3.1, M12 – Report on options Organise a workshop to discuss the options, and to identify the most appropriate model(s) and any outstanding issues Milestone 13, M20 – Workshop Gather and collate reports from parties regarding national progress toward integration, issues and their resolution Deliverable 3.2, M24 – Report to parties Present recommendations to the IAPC, leading to Milestone 15, M30 – Vote on governance structure Deliverable 3.3, M36 – Legal organisation negotiated

5 Task 3.2 Policies for integration Gather information on national infrastructures Identify issues relating to integration Deliverable 3.2, M24 – Report on progress Consult using collaborative tools and draft suitable policies Organise a workshop to develop and refine those policies Deliverable 3.6, M36 – Report and recommendations on policies for integration

6 Task 3.3 Access rules for users Gather information on national and international policies, practices, standards and laws relating to data dissemination and access Formulate draft policies and strategies for responding to user needs taking into account the requirements of data providers Consult widely on issues raised, and revise as required Milestone 14, M24 – Workshop to discuss access rules with users Deliverable 3.4, M36 – Report and recommendations on access rules for users Deliverable 3.7, M42 – Report and recommendations on EPOS data centres and services

7 Task 3.4 Risk and quality management Construct and maintain a database of significant risks affecting EPOS-PP Regularly place this database before the Council and PDB for review Undertake a comprehensive risk assessment for subsequent phases of the EPOS project Examine issues related to operating under ISO 9001:2008 quality management Deliverable 3.5, M36 – Report on risk and quality issues

8 Task 3.5 Defining the nodes of the RI Gather information on relevant national and European existing and planned infrastructures and their capabilities Assess the needs and requirements of user communities and other stakeholders Develop proposals for the nodes of the RI – that is, the EPOS Data Centres and Core Services Consult widely, in concert with WP5 and WP6 Deliverable 3.7, M42 – Report and recommendations on EPOS data centres and services Milestone 16, M40 – Council vote on nodes

9 WP3 Immediate actions/issues Information gathering – ERICs and alternatives and the experiences of other RIs – practical issues for parties – relevant national and international policies and practices – existing national infrastructures and constraints on them Developing tools for consultation – relevant areas within the EPOS website – links with leaders of WPs 2 and 4, and relevant WGs

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