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Exploiting SIMD parallelism with the CGiS compiler framework Nicolas Fritz, Philipp Lucas, Reinhard Wilhelm Saarland University.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploiting SIMD parallelism with the CGiS compiler framework Nicolas Fritz, Philipp Lucas, Reinhard Wilhelm Saarland University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploiting SIMD parallelism with the CGiS compiler framework Nicolas Fritz, Philipp Lucas, Reinhard Wilhelm Saarland University

2 2 Outline CGiS  Language, compiler and GPU back-end SIMD back-end  Hardware  Challenges  Transformations and optimizations Experimental results Future Work Conclusion

3 3 CGiS C-like data-parallel programming language Goals:  Exploitation of parallel processing units in common PCs (GPU, SIMD units)  Easy access for inexperienced programmers  High abstraction level 32-bit scalar and small vector data types Two forms of explicit parallelism  SPMP (iteration), SIMD (vector types)

4 4 CGiS Example: YUV to RGB PROGRAM yuv_to_rgb; INTERFACE extern in float3 YUV ; extern out float3 RGB ; CODE procedure yuv2rgb (in float3 yuv, out float3 rgb) { rgb = yuv.x + [0, 0.344, 1.77 ] * yuv.y + [1.403, 0.714, 0] * yuv.z; } CONTROL forall (yuv in YUV, rgb in RGB) { yuv2rgb (yuv, rgb); }

5 5 CGiS Compiler Overview CGiS Source CGiS Compiler CGiS Runtime Application PPU Code Interface

6 6 CGiS for GPUs nVidia G80:  128 floating points units  Scalar and vector data processible 2-on-2 mapping of CGiS‘ parallelism Code generation for various GPU generations  NV30, NV40, G80, CUDA  Limited access to hardware features through the driver

7 7 SIMD Hardware Every common PC features SIMD units  Intel‘s SSE and Freescale‘s AltiVec SIMD parallelism not easily accessible for standard compilers  Well-known vectorization problems Data access  Hardware requires 16-byte aligned loads  Slow but cached Only 4-way SIMD vector parallelism usable

8 8 The SIMD Back-end Goal is mapping of CGiS parallelisms to SIMD hardware  “2-on-1” mapping SIMD vectorization problems  Avoided by design: data dependency analyses  Control flow Divergence in consecutive elements  Misalignment and data layout Reordering might be needed  Gathering operations are bottle-necks in load- heavy algorithms on multidimensional streams

9 9 Transformations and Optimizations Control flow conversion  If/loop conversion Loop sectioning for 2D streams  Increase cache performance for gather accesses Kernel flattening  IR transformation that replaces compound variables and operations by scalar ones  “2-on-1”

10 10 Control Flow Conversion Full inlining If/loop converison with slightly modified Allen- Kennedy algorithm  No guarded assignments  Masks for select operations are the results of vector compares  Live and written variables after a control flow join are copied at the branching  Select operations are inserted at the join

11 11 Loop Sectioning Adaptation of iteration sequence to better exploit cached data  Only interesting for 2D streams  Iterations subdivided in stripes  Width depends on access pattern, cache size and local variables

12 12 Kernel Flattening SIMD vectorization for yuv2rgb not applicable Thus “flatten” the procedure or kernel:  Code transformation on the IR  All variables and all statements are split into scalar ones  Those can be subjected to SIMD vectorization procedure yuv2rgb (in float3 yuv, out float3 rgb) { rgb = yuv.x + [0, 0.344, 1.77 ] * yuv.y + [1.403, 0.714, 0] * yuv.z; }

13 13 Kernel Flattening Example procedure yuv2rgb_f (in float yuv_x, in float yuv_y, in float yuv_z, out float rgb_x, out float rgb_y, out float rgb_z) { float cy = 0.344, cz = 1.77, dx = 1.403, dy = 0.714; rgb_x = yuv_x + + dx * yuv.z; rgb_y = yuv_x + cy * yuv.y + dy * yuv.z; rgb_z = yuv_x + cz * yuv.y; } Procedure yuv2rgb_f now features data types suitable to be SIMD-parellelized

14 14 Kernel Flattening But: data layout doesn’t fit  No stride-one access for single components  Reordering of data required Locally via permutes or shuffles Globally via memory copy

15 15 Kernel Flattening Data Reorderig

16 16 Global vs. Local Reordering Global reordering  Reusable for further iterations  Simple, but expensive in-memory copy  Destroys locality for gather accesses Local reordering  Original stream data untouched  Insertion of possibly many relatively cheap in-register permutation operations  Locality for gathering preserved

17 17 Experimental Results Tested on Intel Core 2 Duo 1.83GHz and PowerPC G5 1.8GHz  Compiled with intrinsics on gcc 4.0.1 Examples  Image processing: Gaussian blur Loop sectioning  Computation of mandelbrot set Control flow conversion  Block cipher encryption: rc5 encryption Kernel flattening

18 18 Experimental Results

19 19 Future Work Replace intrinsics by inline-assembly  Improvement of conditionals  Better control over register allocation Improvement of register re-utilization for AltiVec  Raises with inline-assembly Cell back-end  SIMD instruction set close to AltiVec  Work list algorithm to distribute stream parts to single PEs More applications

20 20 Conclusion CGiS abstracts GPUs as well as SIMD units SIMD back-end of the CGiS compiler produces efficient code  Other transformations and optimizations needed than for the GPU backend  Full control flow conversion needed  Gather accesses gain speed with loop sectioning  Kernel flattening enables better exploitation

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