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IPA Komponenta IV – Razvoj ljudskih potencijala – Program Europske Unije za Hrvatsku Ured projekta: Radnička 37b, 1000 Zagreb, Ured projekta: Radnička.

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Presentation on theme: "IPA Komponenta IV – Razvoj ljudskih potencijala – Program Europske Unije za Hrvatsku Ured projekta: Radnička 37b, 1000 Zagreb, Ured projekta: Radnička."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPA Komponenta IV – Razvoj ljudskih potencijala – Program Europske Unije za Hrvatsku Ured projekta: Radnička 37b, 1000 Zagreb, Ured projekta: Radnička 37b, 1000 Zagreb, Tel: + 385 1 62 74 628 Partner u projektu Projekt provode: Quantitative analysis of VET provision Eric Vérin 24 May 2011

2 Principles of the analysis Use of existing databases Development of simple indicators helping to identify main characteristics of VET provision in the sector and underlying certain important issues Being aware of the meaning and limits of the data and indicators, they are only helping decision making, they cannot be the basis of it This approach must be further developed, it is easily adaptable to the new context (implementation of qualifications)

3 2 sources of data for starting: data collected by the Ministry of Education at county level giving the number of registered students (at beginning of the school year) per county, per school, per grade and per secondary program (VET and not-VET) for the years 2006- 2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010; data provided by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, and especially the statistical yearbook, giving information about population and especially age groups :

4 4 main tables developed T1-General trends of the Sector T2-Trends per year, grade and program/qualification T3-Focus on trends per program/qualification T4-Trends per county and program/qualification

5 Steps of the analysis 1. General trends 2. Analysis of the different programs/qualifications 3. Analysis at county level

6 1. General trends: questions What are the evolutions of the student population in the Sector compared to the trends of the all VET programs/qualifications? for 3 years and 4 years streams

7 Example of data interpretation


9 1. Some results electrotechnic programs (3 years and 4 years) seem to have less and less attractivity for VET students in absolute figures and compared to other VET sectors 3 years electrotechnic programs seem especially to suffer from a strong fall of their attractivity

10 2. Trends per programs: questions Identify programs/qualifications trends for 3 years and 4 years programs/qualifications Calculate their weight inside the 3y or 4y electrotechnic VET provision Compare their attractivity Analyse the trends of the school offer

11 2. Some results (1/2) From 10 electrotechnic 4 years programs, 2 only saw an increase of their population : Tehnicar zu mehatroniku (+14,8%) and Tehnicar za elektricne strojeve s primijenjenim racunalstvo (+61,9%), when all other 4 years programs had their registered population decreasing 3 programs gather more than 80% of the all 4 years electrotechnics programs population: – tehnicar za racunalstvo (35,2% of 4 years electrotechnic in 2009, population slightly decreasing), – elektrotehnicar (32,9% in 2009 but population decreasing) – tehnicar za mehatroniku (13% in 2009, population increasing)

12 2. Some results (2/2) Two 3 years programs, over 10, have populations slightly growing: – elektroinstalater-JMO (+1,8%) – elektromehanicar (+1,7%) All other programs decreased more than 18%, whatever the date of their last update. This seems to confirm a strong lack of attractivity of the 3 years elektrotechnic programs) In 2009, 3 programs have gather more than 10% of the all 3 years electrotechnic programs and altogether make 73% of the all 3 years electrotechnic population : – elektroinstalater-JMO (31,3%), – elektromehanicar (23,7%) – autoelektricar (18,5%)

13 3. Trends per county: questions Identify the general structure of the VET sector offer over the territory (3 years and 4 years) Compare the most important 3 years and 4 years programs with the trends of the all sector per county

14 3. Some results distribution of the 3 years programs student population in electrotechnic is relatively equally done over the territory. Only Zagreb has a bit more than 10% of this population, there is no real geographical concentration distribution of the 4 years programs student population in electrotechnic is more concentrated in Zagreb and in its region (33,4 % in 2009). The share of Zagreb and its region has slightly increased over the period (32,6% in 2006)

15 Further developments Comparison with the results of the Sector occupation analysis and identify/adapt indicator concerning the VET Sector which could be useful for planning Further analysis of the data and indicators already presented above (especially at county level) Identify further sources of data (E-matica or registration figures of higher education institutions for example) in order to find information like: number of students finishing successfully school, the share between girls and boys, repetition rate, origin of higher education new students

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