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Improving Efficiency with Reusable Processes Linda Koestler Kinetic Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Efficiency with Reusable Processes Linda Koestler Kinetic Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Efficiency with Reusable Processes Linda Koestler Kinetic Data

2 2 2 About Me  Left the world of mainframe programming to join Kinetic Data  Contrary to what you may hear from my Kinetic colleagues, I have never used punch cards.  I’ve been with Kinetic Data for 11.5 years

3 3 3 Overview  Two types of reusable processes  What is a reusable process?  Discuss the benefits  Review four examples

4 4 4 What is a reusable process?  One process that can be used to support many service requests in one or many catalogs.  Reusable processes can fall into two categories:  Spawned as a secondary process from another task tree  Process spawned by a customer

5 5 5 Benefits  Define reusable processes to speed development  Reduce the complexity of the task trees on your service items  Aids in providing consistent processes  Maintenance of reusable processes saves time and money

6 6 6 Examples of Reusable Processes  Approval processes (simple, medium and complex)  Gathering additional information post submission  Cancel processing  Conversation between requester and approver, or requester and fulfiller  Reminder processes

7 7 7 Task Tree Types  Create Tree Type  Executes when the Kinetic Base record is created  This type of tree is useful for reminders and processes that need to be processed prior to completion of service request submission  Complete Tree Type  Executes when the Kinetic service request submission is complete  Useful for all other post submission processes

8 8 8 Example 1 – Approval Processes  Requirement  Send email notification reminders to the assigned approver a predefined intervals  After a determined number of days, cancel the submission if it has not been approved  After approval is completed, pass response to original submission and resume processing

9 9 9 Example 1 – Approval Processes  The Approval is created using a Service Item named “Approve Request”  This approval service item can be shared by many service items in your catalog

10 10 Example 1 – Approval Processes  The Approve Request service item contains two types of trees:  Create  Complete

11 11 Example 1 – Approval Processes  Example of Create tree containing the reminder process  Notification are sent out at 3, 5 and 7 days  After 10 days the approval is expired and submission closed

12 12 Example 1 – Approval Processes  Example of Completion tree  Responsible for retrieving the approval response and comments  The response and comments are passed back to the parent submission via the creation of a trigger  Approval submission is closed

13 13 Example 2 – Gather Additional Information  Requirement  After customer submits request for printer based on usage, send a request to purchasing to determine what kind of printer is needed.  The purchasing individual will enter the manufacturer, model and cost.  Information gathered will be added to the original submission.

14 14 Example 2 – Gather Additional Information  Example of tree with node to gather additional information  This nodes creates a request similar to an approval  This request can be assigned to a group or an individual

15 15 Example 2 – Gather Additional Information  Sample of the request to gather additional information  This request is opened via email link or portal page link  Additional information fields are filled in and request is submitted

16 16 Example 2 – Gather Additional Information  Task tree on the child service item adds the new information to the original submission  Trigger is created in order to resume processing on the parent service request

17 17 Example 2 – Gather Additional Information  The individual approving the request is able to view the new values gathered

18 18 Example 3 – Cancel Process  Requirement  Allow customer to cancel service item submission  Provide ability to cancel  Prior to approval  After approval (this requires special consideration because fulfillment processes may have started)

19 19 Example 3 – Cancel Process

20 20 Example 3 – Cancel Process  Portal page Service Item Details panel is modified to display the Cancel Request link  This link opens a Cancel service item while passing the submission GUID as a parameter on the URL

21 21 Example 3 – Cancel Process  Cancel page presented to customer

22 22 Example 3 – Cancel Process  Cancel service item is developed to collect the cancel reason  This service item carries the task tree responsible for the cancellation process

23 23 Example 2 – Cancel Process  This sample cancel request task tree contains nodes to send a notification and to execute a task handler to cancel the request based on a customer’s unique requirements

24 24 Example 4 – Send Comment to Incident  Requirement  Provide ability for customer to pass comments to the technician fulfilling the request.

25 25 Example 4 – Send Comment to Incident

26 26 Example 4 – Send Comment to Incident  Portal page Service Item Details panel is modified to display the Add Comment link  This link opens an iFrame which includes a field for collecting the comments

27 27 Example 4 – Send Comment to Incident  This is the Add Comments service item  Very simple construction that only needs to store the basics pieces of information

28 28 Example 4 – Send Comment to Incident  This sample add comment request task tree contains a node to add a comment to the Incident  Other task handlers exist to add work info’s to Incident, Change Request and Kinetic Work Orders  The add comment request is closed

29 29 Example 4 – Send Comment to Incident  Sample of the of work log comment added to the Kinetic Sample Incident form

30 30 Reusable Task Trees  Presentation and code samples will be available on the Kinetic Community web site:  Demo  Questions

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