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ISSRC Update for BISD Staff  Instructional  Support  Services  Review  Committee February 2, 2015 Services covered: Special Education Title I / LAP.

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Presentation on theme: "ISSRC Update for BISD Staff  Instructional  Support  Services  Review  Committee February 2, 2015 Services covered: Special Education Title I / LAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISSRC Update for BISD Staff  Instructional  Support  Services  Review  Committee February 2, 2015 Services covered: Special Education Title I / LAP Early Childhood This review was negotiated as part of the 2013 – 2015 certificated contract

2 Purpose of the ISS Department Review The purpose of the review is to create a well-articulated, high quality, financially sustainable program of services that meets the needs of students in the Bainbridge Island School District.

3 Goals of the ISS Department Review The goals of the review are to:  Identify strengths and areas of improvement of the current program  Review best practices and current research to establish a guiding vision to guide program development  Design a continuum of services model to maximize student success

4 2013 – 2014 School Year PSESD contracted to review district data, interview staff and parents ISS Review Committee formed to review report and begin to develop an action plan

5 2014-2015 School Year ISS Review Committee divided into three sub committees: Special Education – today’s topic RTI K-6 – to be discussed next week RTI 7-12 – to be discussed next week

6 Subcommittees and members ISSRC Special Education Subcommittee  Bill Mosiman**, Director of ISS  Julie Goldsmith**, Associate Superintendent  Karen Connors**, Parent  Lisa Draper**, Paraeducator  Signe Pierce, Paraeducator  Sara Edwards, Special Ed Teacher  Meg Evans**, Special Ed Teacher  Sheila Jakubik**, School Board  Melanie Elliott**, Special Ed Teacher  Melinda Reynvaan**, Principal  Tina Lemmon**, Principal  Amy Jernigan**, LAP Teacher  Janice Petaja, School Psychologist  Diane Leonetti**, Occupational Therapist, ISS Coordinator ** indicates member of ISSRC Steering Committee

7 Special Education Subcommittee Focus Goals  Develop a common understanding of specially designed instruction (SDI), create a plan to ensure consistency of special education programs and curriculum across the district.  Create a philosophy for the use of paraeducators to include: management, training, structure, and staffing used across the district.  Design and implement a professional development program for general and special education staff to ensure consistency of knowledge and skills for working with students with special learning needs.

8 Action Plan and Status  Publish notice of program review to solicit parent/community input; Status: done  Establish ISS Program Review and subcommittee; Status: done  Review tasks with committee(s); Status: done  Contract with PSESD to assist in data gathering and district comparisons; Status: done  Gather perception data; Status: ongoing  Gather and analyze student achievement data; Status: ongoing  Review current trends and literature to identify best practices; Status: ongoing  Review data from district comparisons, perception data and achievement data – identify strengths/areas of improvement; Status: ongoing

9 Communication Create process to solicit staff and parent input; Status: done Establish communication process to keep stakeholders informed; Status: ongoing :  Update staff on February 2 nd ;  Parent community meeting with consultants - anticipate March;  ISSRC website

10 Mission Statement Subcommittee on Special Education - in Draft Ensure a quality Special Education program that:  accelerates academic growth  supports individual student goals  promotes independence and future readiness

11 Additional ISS Accomplishments  Adoption of a district-wide reading, writing & math curriculum for K-8 special education, including purchase, staff training and implementation.  Adoption of a universal screener for reading.  The ISSRC Subcommittees have held many meetings; completed staff and parent surveys, and conducted three parent/community input meetings.  Consultants contracted to assist the ISSRC with a K-12 special education specific review.  Evaluation/IEP on-line software adoption in process for implementation next school year.

12 Next Steps  Visit and/or examine exemplary programs  Develop continuum of services model for special programs to meet the diverse needs of BISD students  Make program recommendations to Superintendent for School Board approval  Develop implementation and professional development plan  Begin program implementation

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