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OCM BOCES Day 6 Lead Evaluator Training 1. 2 Day Five Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "OCM BOCES Day 6 Lead Evaluator Training 1. 2 Day Five Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCM BOCES Day 6 Lead Evaluator Training 1

2 2 Day Five Agenda

3 3 Taking Care of Business

4 4 Discussion

5 5 CCLS Math

6 6

7 FocusCoherenceFluencyDeep UnderstandingApplicationsDual Intensity Six Shifts: Math CCLS Math

8 1. Focus 2. Coherence 3. Fluency 4. Deep Understanding 5. Application 6. Dual Intensity CCLS Math

9  Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them.  Reason abstractly and quantitatively.  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.  Model with mathematics.  Use appropriate tools strategically.  Attend to precision.  Look for and make use of structure.  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Habits of Mind: CCLS Math

10  Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them.  Reason abstractly and quantitatively.  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.  Model with mathematics.  Use appropriate tools strategically.  Attend to precision.  Look for and make use of structure.  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Math Practices: CCLS Math

11 11 CCLS Math

12  K-8 wiki is up  HS unpacking is scheduled:  MARCH 9 - Unpacking Algebra.  MARCH 23 - Unpacking Geometry  MARCH 30 - Unpacking Algebra II Unpacking CCLS Math

13 NYS Teaching Standards As a table group, label the seven pieces of the “pie.”

14 NYS Teaching Standards Take out the evidence you collected.

15 NYS Teaching Standards Take out the evidence you collected. For which Standards did you gather evidence?

16 NYS Teaching Standards Take out the evidence you collected. For which Standards did you gather evidence? How will you gather evidence for the others?

17 Evidence Collection

18 18 PreConferences

19 19 PreConferences

20 Evidence Collection

21 COLLECT DATA (Evidence) SORT TO ALIGN WITH YOUR FRAMEWORK Interpret: Clarify Conclusions Impact on learning… Support needed… Impact on learning… Support needed… NO! The Evidence Cycle

22 22 Evidence Collection

23 23 Evidence Collection

24 24 Evidence Collection

25 25

26 Evidence Collection

27 27 Evidence Collection

28 COLLECT DATA (Evidence) Conversation, Questions & Discussion Respect & Rapport Conclusions Impact on learning… Support needed… Impact on learning… Support needed… The Evidence Cycle

29 29 Mini-Observations

30 30 SLOs


32 32 SLOs



35 The Learning Map Management

36 What a year “looks like” Management

37 What a year “looks like” Management

38 Evidence Collection Homework:  Gather evidence, electronically, from a classroom in your school and  Mini-observations

39 39 Resources

40 Questions Visiting the Parking Lot +/∆ Closure + ∆

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