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Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism 1812-1824.

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1 Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism 1812-1824

2  On to Canada over Land and Lakes  Describe the American army on the eve of the War of 1812.  Why was Canada an important battleground in the War of 1812?  Describe America’s offensive strategy.  Describe the British defensive strategy.  Why was the American navy more successful than the British navy?  Who was Oliver Hazard Perry and why was his victory important?  How did Napoleon’s exile affect the American military effort?  Describe the battle of Plattsburgh and why the victory was important.  Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended  How were the British forces able to burn the Capitol?  Who fought in the Battle of New Orleans?  Describe the Battle of New Orleans?  Even though a peace treaty had been signed two weeks before, why was the Battle of New Orleans significant?  How did the Royal Navy respond to the Battle of New Orleans?

3  The Treaty of Ghent  Why did Tsar Alexander I propose mediation in regards to the War of 1812?  What demands were made by the British and how did the Americans respond?  Why did Britain become more willing to compromise with the Americans?  Why was the Treaty of Ghent considered an armistice and why is this important?  Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention  Why was New England a problem?  Describe the purpose of the Hartford Convention.  How was the Hartford Convention less radical than many believed?  What did the delegates from the Hartford Convention demand?  How were the delegates from the Hartford Convention received in Washington DC?  How did Federalist doctrines outlive the Federalist party?

4  The Second War for American Independence  The War of 1812 was globally unimportant but what how did it affect the United States internationally?  How did the War of 1812 affect the United States nationally?  Who became heroes of the war and why is this important?  How did the War of 1812 breed independence?  How were Canadians affected by the War of 1812?  Describe the Rush-Bagot agreement and its significance.  What was happening in Europe during this time period and how did this affect America?  Nascent Nationalism  What was the most impressive by-product of the War of 1812?  How was this new nationalism demonstrated?  Politically and economically, how was nationalism demonstrated?

5  “The American System”  How did British manufacturers react after the War of 1812?  How did American manufacturers respond to Britain?  Describe the Tariff of 1816 and its importance.  Who was Henry Clay?  Describe the American System.  How did the public respond to the American system?  How did Congress respond to the American system and why?  The So-called Era of Good Feelings  Describe James Madison and the election of 1816.  How did James Madison further cement nationalism?  Why was the Era of Good Feelings considered a misnomer?

6  The Panic of 1819 and the Curse of Hard Times  What were the traits of the Panic of 1819?  What was the major contributing factor of the Panic of 1819?  How did the Panic of 1819 set back nationalism?  How did the Panic of 1819 affect poorer classes and why was this significant?  Growing Pains of the West  Describe the growth of the West.  Why was expansion of the West happening so quickly?  How did the economy impact Western settlement?  How did Generals Harrison and Jackson impact Western settlement?  Describe the Cumberland Highway.  Why was the West forced to ally itself with other sections?  Describe the Land Act of 1820 and its significance.  Describe Wildcat banks.

7  Slavery and the Sectional Balance  What happened in 1819 that demonstrated significant sectional tensions?  Describe the Tallmadge amendment.  Who was angered by the Tallmadge amendment  Why was the South most concerned with the Tallmadge amendment?  How did Missouri relate to the future of the slave system?  How did Missouri relate to the Constitutional Congress?  The issue of slavery was mostly political and economic but what role did moral questions play in the Missouri issue?

8  The Uneasy Missouri Compromise  What role did Henry Clay play in the Missouri Compromise?  What were the three compromises that comprised the Missouri Compromise?  What did the South gain from the compromise?  What did the North gain from the compromise?  Why wasn’t the restriction of slavery in the territories offensive to the South?  How long did the Missouri Compromise last and why is this important?  How did the Missouri Compromise and the Panic of 1819 affect President Madison?  John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism  Describe the case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) and its significance.  How did Marshall give “loose construction” its most famous formulation?  Describe the case of Cohens v. Virginia (1821) and its significance.  Describe the case of Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) and its significance.

9  Judicial Dikes Against Democratic Excess  Describe the case of Fletcher v. Peck (1810) and its significance.  Describe the case of Dartmouth v. Woodward (1819) and its significance.  What other effects did the Dartmouth case have?  Describe Daniel Webster.  How are Marshall’s decisions felt today?  Sharing Oregon and Acquiring Florida  Describe the relationship between John Quincy Adams and President Monroe.  Describe the treaty of 1818 and its significance.  How did Americans lay claim to Western Florida?  How did rebellion in South American affect Spain and it’s hold on Florida?  What did Andrew Jackson do in Florida?  How did the leaders in Washington DC respond to Jackson’s actions?  Describe the Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819 and its significance.

10  The Menace of Monarchy in America  How did the Autocrats of Europe feel about Democracy?  Why were Americans concerned about the European Autocrats actions?  What role did Russia play in America’s fears about monarchies?  Why didn’t Britain join other European powers in crushing the South American revolutions?  What did George Canning propose in 1823?  Monroe and His Doctrine  Why did Secretary Adams question British motives?  Why did the British actually propose an alliance with the Americans?  Why did Adams believe an alliance with Britain was unnecessary?  Describe the Monroe Doctrine.  At whom was the Monroe Doctrine directed?  Why did Monroe issue a warning against foreign intervention?

11  Monroe’s Doctrine Appraised  How did Europe feel about the Monroe Doctrine?  How did South America feel about the Monroe Doctrine?  Why didn’t the Monroe Doctrine have much significance?  Why could the Monroe Doctrine be considered “the Self Defense Doctrine”?  How have other presidents used the Monroe Doctrine?  How is the Monroe Doctrine an expression of post war nationalism?

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