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University of Wisconsin-Madison MobileUW Hideko J. Mills Manager of IT Research Infrastructure, MobileUW Project Manager Office of the CIO & VP for IT.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Wisconsin-Madison MobileUW Hideko J. Mills Manager of IT Research Infrastructure, MobileUW Project Manager Office of the CIO & VP for IT."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Wisconsin-Madison MobileUW Hideko J. Mills Manager of IT Research Infrastructure, MobileUW Project Manager Office of the CIO & VP for IT Summer 2011 CSG Meeting June 15, 2011 Hideko J. Mills Manager of IT Research Infrastructure, MobileUW Project Manager Office of the CIO & VP for IT Summer 2011 CSG Meeting June 15, 2011

2 2

3 3 Collaboration University RelationsDoIT Executive Management UW AthleticsUW Police Dept Madison Metro

4 4 Technology Use publicly available data feeds Use the features and functionality of the device platform –People Directory integrates with Google Maps –Location-based services –Accessibility –VPN 4

5 5 Platforms iOS –iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Android Mobile-Enabled ( 5

6 6 Metrics Google Analytics Application and Sub-Application Usage 6

7 7 Mobile Security Risk Management C onsiderations Information Risk Infrastructure Risk Device Risk

8 8 Information Risk What information or data must comply with University Policy, Federal Laws, State Laws to protect confidentiality and integrity? How is this information flow auditable? What Matters?

9 9 Information Risk Loss of grant funding due to insufficient security controls Damaged reputation, loss of alumni funding. Increase risk of intellectual property stored on the device. Increase risk in the number of places (devices) university managed data can exist. Increase risk in the number of places personal data can exist that the university does not manage. Increase risk in the amount of regulated data created, shared, downloaded, streamed, or stored. Impact Scenarios

10 10 Information Risk Campus-Wide information classification governance program Regular compliance assessments High-Level Mitigation Strategies

11 11 Infrastructure Risk What is the wireless network broadband capacity necessary for providing campus-wide mobile services? What Matters?

12 12 Infrastructure Risk Increase in facility costs for making wireless network optimal Increase in the demand of wireless availability in any classroom Potential for reduced enrollment if student high-tech demands are not addressed Impact Scenarios

13 13 Infrastructure Risk Infrastructure demand and capacity planning programs Continuous demand monitoring High-Level Mitigation Strategies

14 14 Device Risk What are the audit features that will monitor device feature interactions? What Matters?

15 15 Device Risk Damage to institutional reputation or legal consequences stemming from device breaches Degraded performance of critical device operations (911 calling) Impact Scenarios

16 16 Device Risk Application security program Regular security testing High-Level Mitigation Strategies

17 17 Device Security Lock your mobile device when you're not using it. Be sure to use a strong and unique passcode or pattern sequence. Keep your device up to date. Research an app before installing it. Only use trusted sources for apps. Limit your use of applications or browsers over open and unprotected WiFi. Turn off your Bluetooth when not using it. Don't root or jailbreak your device. 17

18 18 Governance Framework Executive Committee Sponsors Project Team Distributed Responsibilities - Interdepartmental collaboration with clearly defined expectations Development Team Infrastructure Group Content Providers & Functional Offices Stakeholders

19 19 RACI Exec Comm Sponsors Project Team Dev Team InfrastrucG roup Content Providers & Functional Offices Stake- holders Define MobileUW Strategic Initiatives ARRIICC Ensure Resource Allocation ARCCCCI Ensure Compliance with Standards ARRRRII Responsible - getting the work done Accountable - resource ultimately accountable Consulted - opinions sought Informed - kept apprised

20 20 Trends Continued growth of mobile devices Native apps will work in conjunction with HTML5 Potential convergence between mobile and portal services Uses for teaching, E-Learning, research Cloud computing implications 20

21 21 Thank You!

22 22 MobileUW Android (Launch June 2011) (Coming Summer 2011) 22

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