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Applying for Colleges Presented by CAPT Dustin Gaston.

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2 Applying for Colleges Presented by CAPT Dustin Gaston

3 Objectives  Inform you of statistical information of High School Graduates and college entrance.  Inform you on what colleges are looking for in the students.  Give you tips and insight on applying for colleges specifically geared for both Juniors and Seniors.  Provide tools for researching for college.  Give you the keys to unlocking a successful career.

4 Statistical Information  Did you know that: –Only 70% of all students in public high schools graduate and only 32% of all students leave high school are qualified to a attend four-year college? –The state with the highest graduation rate in the nation was North Dakota with 89%? –The state with the lowest graduation rate in the nation was Florida with 56%?

5 Colleges  What are colleges looking for? –Challenging schedule. –Good G.P.A. Colleges weigh only the academic classes. Electives are NOT taken into consideration when calculating your G.P.A. –Extra-Curricular Activities. Quality not Quantity. –Dedication. –Job? –Volunteering? –You are an investment. What are you bringing to the plate?

6 You Are In Your Junior Year In High School!!!

7 High School Juniors  Schedule –Challenging Courses –Good Grades  Guidance Councilor –Set up a meeting –Make sure to use your sources!!!  Testing – Highly important when applying for college Practice Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) – Practice for the SAT – You do have to pay for this test – The next Test Date will be in October

8 HS Juniors (Cont’d.) Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). –Tests your ability to analyze and solve problems that were developed in your academic study and outside reading and study. –This test costs $41.50. –The next test date will be October 14 th. You have until September 20 th to register or a late fee will be applied. American College Testing (ACT). –Tests your English, mathematics, reading, and science skills. –This test costs $28.00 without the writing portion, $42.00 with the writing. –The next test date will be October 28th.

9 HS Juniors (Cont’d.)  Research. –Researching for college is just like researching to buy a car.  College visits.

10 HS Juniors (Cont’d.)  What should you be looking at? –What type of college do you want to go to? Why do you want to go to that type of college? What does the college have that you want? –Where are the colleges? Out of State? In State? Where will you live? –How much is the tuition? Where are you going to get the money? Are you going to work? Could you get financial aid?  Once you have got a several schools in mind, talk to your guidance councilor or the school themselves about going for a campus visit

11 You Are In Your Senior Year In High School!!!

12 High School Seniors  Senior Schedule. –Do not send your schedule with your applications until your schedule is set. –No early release or late arrivals. –Solid G.P.A. –Good Test Scores. –Challenging Courses.

13 HS Seniors (Cont’d.)  Applying Process. –Research. Application process varies from college to college. Make sure to use your sources!!

14 HS Seniors (Cont’d.) –Research for the Application Process entails: –How much does it cost to apply? –Do I need teacher recommendations? Which teachers should I have recommend me? What information should I give them? –When do I need to send it out by? You should have your application research completed along with your teacher recommendations by August. Applications should be sent by September to be ahead of the game. –Does it require any essays? –Do I need my transcripts or does the school automatically send a copy?

15 You Got Accepted to Your College of Choice!!!

16 Now You Are Home Free!!! …NOT!!!

17 What Do You Do Now? Once you have been accepted, there is one last part of the research phase: $ MONEY $

18 Money  Research. –Student Loans. Once you are accepted, you can apply for a financial aid packet. FAFSA. –Federal government looks at your family’s income for eligibility of “free money” or low interest loans.

19 Money (Cont’d.)  Florida Academic Scholars Award (FAS). –100% tuition and fees (and lab fees up to $300 per semester) for both Public and Private. –3.5 G.P.A. –15 Credits: –75 Hours Community Service. –1270 SAT28 ACT. 4English 3Mathematics 3 Natural Science 3 Social Science 2 Foreign Language

20 Money (Cont’d.)  Florida Medallion Scholars Award (FMS). –100% tuition and fees (and lab fees up to $300 per semester) for Public. –75% tuition and fees (and lab fees up to $300 per semester) for Private. –3.0 G.P.A. –15 Credits: –No Community Service Required. –970 SAT20 ACT. 4English 3Mathematics 3 Natural Science 3 Social Science 2 Foreign Language

21 Money (Cont’d.)  Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award (GSV). –75% tuition and fees(and lab fees up to $300 per semester) for both Public and Private. –3.0 G.P.A. –15.5 Credits: –No Community Service Required. –ACT:SAT: English: 17. Critical Reading: 440. Reading: 18. Math: 440. Math: 19. 4English 3Mathematics 3 Natural Science 3 Social Science 1 Practical Arts.5 Life Management Skills.5 Personal Fitness.5 Physical Education

22 Now You Are Home Free!!! For REAL!!!

23 Resources  - Scholarships  - SAT and other college resources  - ACT information  - ACT  - OCLS homepage  - College Planning  - Edgewater High School’s homepage  Make sure to use your sources!!!

24 Conclusion  Colleges want to see active, well rounded, and dedicated people.  Junior Year: –Research what colleges you want to go to and what it takes. –Take your tests. –Keep a challenging and successful schedule. –Stay dedicated to both academics and extra-curricular activities.  Senior Year: –Research what you need to for applications. –Complete and turn in your applications. –Research and Apply for Scholarships and Student Loans.

25 And most importantly… USE YOUR SOURCES!!!

26 The END! Director Dustin Gaston Creator Dustin Gaston Animator Dustin Gaston Producer Dustin Gaston Editor Dustin Gaston Whatever Else Dustin Gaston

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