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CECP Report Alan Barefield Mississippi State University Southern Rural Development Center.

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1 CECP Report Alan Barefield Mississippi State University Southern Rural Development Center

2 Definitions  Competencies –This is what you want the “student” to learn  Taxonomies –The lesson plan that allows you to teach the student and let him/her achieve the competency  Ideally, the competency should be identified first and then the taxonomy should be developed  We did it backwards for some of the topics

3 Where Do We Stand?  Taxonomies for several different areas have been developed  An abridged set of taxonomies to be used as search topics for the CECP campus is derived for the taxonomy areas  Draft competencies for 12 subject matter topics have been identified  A catalog of subject matter specialists has been begun

4 Competencies  Overall Economic Development  Business Skills (w/ E- commerce; these need to be combined)  Tourism  Leadership Development  Civic Engagement  Strategic Planning  Community Data Analysis  Public Issues Education

5 Where Do We Go From Here?  Flesh out the list of subject matter specialists  Review the draft competencies that have been identified  Identify competencies for other areas  Develop and expand taxonomies (lesson plans) for those areas  Create teams to begin work on CECP modules to deliver educational programs

6 Problems  Lack of response and participation  Lack of knowledge (on my part) about faculty qualified and willing to review developed curricula  No identification of potential team members  No identification of curriculum specialists, IT people, middle management person, etc. Should be overcome through CECP Steering Committee

7 Two Examples  Taxation  Types of taxes identified, but what about the other issues associated with taxation and public revenues  Community Services –Electronic Infrastructure –Emergency Preparedness –Emergency Medical Svcs –Healthcare Systems –Housing –Public Education –Telecommunications –Transportation –Water and Waste Systems

8 Where Do We Go From Here? Part II  Meeting with Rod Howe, Dick Senese, Janet Ayers on developing national core competencies  What does this group consider core competencies to be?  Review process for competency identification and taxonomy development

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