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1 SENIORS CLASS OF 2013 ROAD TO SUCCESS ACT/SAT, College choices, Applications, College Visits, Housing, Scholarships, Financial aid GRADUATION FHN Financial.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SENIORS CLASS OF 2013 ROAD TO SUCCESS ACT/SAT, College choices, Applications, College Visits, Housing, Scholarships, Financial aid GRADUATION FHN Financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SENIORS CLASS OF 2013 ROAD TO SUCCESS ACT/SAT, College choices, Applications, College Visits, Housing, Scholarships, Financial aid GRADUATION FHN Financial Aid Night FHN Financial Aid Night December 4 th, 7:00-8:30 pm December 4 th, 7:00-8:30 pmAuditorium

2 2 WHAT YOU SHOULD LEARN FROM THIS PRESENTATION 1.Be able to analyze and compare colleges to select the most appropriate colleges for application 2.Be able to complete the college application process in a timely and effective manner 3.Be able to research and identify scholarship sources 4.Be able to apply for financial aid

3 3 COLLEGE PLAN FOR SENIOR YEAR I. Complete or retake college entrance exams A.ACT ACT Cambridge Review offered for December 8 th and April 13 th ACT ACT Plus Writing Setup ACT Account to register online (use Saint Charles to find FHN Test Center) 190980 B.SAT (not offered at FHN). C.SAT Achievement tests (not offered at FHN). D.CEEB #, High School Code # (262844) E.Final ACT or SAT scores must be sent directly from ACT or College Board to your final college choice, NCAA Clearinghouse etc.

4 4 COLLEGE PLAN FOR SENIOR YEAR What steps should I take if I don’t know where to apply? II. Identify colleges that meet your selection criteria A.Conduct college searches on the internet or phone:,,, MyMajors App. Consider the a.academics: majors, special education needs b. size of college c.cost/scholarship opportunity d.location and environment: In-State? Out? Proximity to home? Urban/Rural? e.selectivity/admission criteria f.housing, facilities, computers g.recreational opportunities/campus life/overseas opportunities h.2 year versus 4 year college

5 5 COLLEGE PLAN FOR SENIOR YEAR B.Meet with college representatives that visit FHN. a. Sign up in the guidance office C.Attend college fairs: a. SCCCC Fair Sept. 23, 1:00-3:00 pm b. National College Fair (SLU Simon Recreation Center) Oct. 17, 12:00-3:00 pm D.Visit prospective colleges: a. college visit form (permitted 3 college visits) b. topics to cover on your college visit c. try to visit during the school week

6 6 III. The College Application Process 1.When do I apply to college? As soon as possible Advantages * Higher acceptance rate * Best scholarship opportunities * Best housing options 2.How Many colleges should I apply to? 5-6 colleges: 2 Reach Schools, 2 Good Match Schools, 2 Safety schools – Will you be happy at all six?

7 7 COLLEGE PLAN FOR SENIOR YEAR 3.How do I apply? A.Complete all student sections of applications. * Use electronic applications if possible. CEEB# 262844 * Common Application–generic application accepted by a consortium of colleges B.Note deadlines for application. Determine type of admissions used: rolling admissions, early deadline, early admissions. * Rolling admissions/Regular admissions – no application deadline – college continues to accept and review applications until quota is reached * Early deadline – first priority for admissions given to students who apply by set deadline * Early admissions – binding contract between student and college C.Write essays if needed (proof carefully). D.Obtain letters of recommendation if needed. *provide at least 2 weeks notice and detailed resume *return to counselor if paper application

8 8 E. Submit completed application and any supporting documents to each respective college. Electronic Application may require essay and/or recommendation letters to be sent by mail. Paper application, essay, letters of recommendation, and check for application fee to your counselor. F. Complete transcript request form and return to the guidance office to send official transcript to each college. G. Receive acceptance or rejection letter in 3-4 weeks if rolling admissions. H. Receive housing information and application. Use deposits to secure preferred housing

9 9 COLLEGE PLAN FOR SENIOR YEAR How can I make College affordable? IV.Apply for Scholarships and Financial Aid A. Scholarships – free money based on merit. Every student qualifies for scholarships, The key is how to locate/identify them! a. Run scholarship searches on the internet. (,, ) b. Inquire about scholarships listed in the Northern Light. c. Find out what scholarships college financial aid offices and admission offices offer and how to apply. d. Follow deadlines, be persistent!!! e. Target local scholarships.

10 10 COLLEGE PLAN FOR SENIOR YEAR B.Financial Aid a. Application for Federal and state grants, loan programs and work/study is made using the FAFSA (free applications for federal student aid). Electronic application preferred but requires PIN # for parent & student. b. Seniors cannot apply until after January 1. c. Include Title IV codes for colleges. ( ) d. Seniors receive S AR (Student Aid Report) in 4-6 weeks, sooner if you file electronically. ( ) e. FAFSA4caster: – Estimates entire student aid package.

11 11 COLLEGE PLAN FOR SENIOR YEAR V.Make a final decision on college and return deposit. (Deadline is usually May 1) * Request final high school transcript & college credit transcripts for advanced credit & dual enrollment. VI.Males must register for Selective Service by 18 th birthday. (It’s the law, – can also do this when filing FAFSA electronically! VII.NCAA Division I and II athletes must complete a NCAA Clearinghouse.NAIA and NJCC have similar processes. A.Register at Calculate eligibility at B.Print transcript request sheet and bring to Mrs. Kidd in the guidance office. C.Update transcript each semester. D.Submit official ACT scores to NCAA Clearinghouse code #9999

12 12 SUMMARY Make application to multiple colleges as soon as possible / request transcripts / request letters of recommendation and write essays if required Visit colleges of your choice / compare pros and cons Search and apply for scholarships on internet / Northern Light / College financial aid offices Submit FAFSA after Jan. 1 st, 2013 / Compare financial aid packages Make final decision on college choice/submit deposit May 1 st Request final transcript from FHN / College Credits

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