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Personality Disorders Psychology. Personality Disorders People with these disorders display certain personality traits to an excessive degree and in rigid.

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1 Personality Disorders Psychology

2 Personality Disorders People with these disorders display certain personality traits to an excessive degree and in rigid ways that undermine their adjustment.

3 Onset of symptoms Emerge in late childhood or adolescence and often continue throughout adulthood.

4 Narcissistic Personality Disorder Grandiose sense of self-importance; exaggerates abilities and accomplishments; excessive need for admiration; boastful, pretentious.

5 N.P.D. Preoccupation w/ fantasies, unlimited success, power and a powerful need for constant attention or admiration. Feel entitled to special favors, without being willing to reciprocate.

6 N.P.D. Display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes. Highly sensitive to criticism or defeat…react: disdain, rage, or defiant counterattack.

7 Borderline Personality Disorder Erratic, unstable relationships, emotions, and self-image; impulsive; desperate efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment; feelings of emptiness; self-destructive tendencies.

8 B.P.D. 75% women Identity is so fragile/think in absolutes. Relationships/ idealizing to contempt or hostility. Great example: Film: Girl Interrupted

9 B.P.D. Self-Destructiveness Cutting Threats of suicide/suicide attempts Gamble Drive recklessly Abuse drugs/alcohol Sexually promiscuous

10 B.P.D. and other Disorderes Depression Substance Abuse Eating Disorders

11 Causes of B.P.D. Disruption in attachment relationships in early childhood. History of sexual/physical abuse Neglect by both or one parent. Genetic causes has also been linked with the disorder.

12 Treatment for B.P.D. Psychotherapy (talk therapy) –Cognitive Behavioral Therapy –Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (control intense emotions/reduce self destructive behaviors) –Schema-Focused Therapy (work on creating a positive self image)

13 Antisocial Personality Disorder Sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths. 3-6% men; 1% women

14 Description ImpulsiveCallous ManipulativeAggressive Irresponsible behavior REFLECTS A FAILURE TO ACCEPT SOCIAL NORMS.

15 A.P.D. Typically, they are NOT Psychotic (maintain contact reality). Have NO or very little REMORSE Some engage in criminal behavior, but MOST people with A.P.D. are law- abiding citizens.

16 Maladaptive traits Display a high level of intelligence Superficial charm that attracts others. Highly skilled at faking emotion. Rarely experience genuine affection for others. Pursue immediate gratification

17 Impact on life Unreliable employees Unfaithful spouses Inattentive parents Undependable friends

18 Causes The cause of ASP, is unknown. Evidence points to inherited traits. Additional studies show: –abnormalities in development of the nervous system. – mothers who smoked during pregnancy, their offspring were at risk of developing ASP. This suggests that smoking brought about lowered oxygen levels with may have resulted in subtle brain injury to the fetus.

19 Causes continue Sluggish Nervous System Erratic or inappropriate discipline and inadequate supervision have been linked to antisocial behavior in children. Dysfunctional home life.

20 Two excellent Books about A.P.D.

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