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Learning Styles Dual Enrollment Psychology Introductory Unit.

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1 Learning Styles Dual Enrollment Psychology Introductory Unit

2 Learning Styles Inventory ► For each of the following, mark the response that most applies to you…

3 #1 ► When I’m receiving directions on how to get somewhere, I understand them better if: ► A.I see it on a map ► B.Someone tells me how to get there ► C.I draw the map or write the directions myself myself

4 #2 ► When I have to remember a list of items to get at the store: ► A.I have to take a written list with me ► B.I tell a friend or repeat to myself what I need to get need to get ► C.I write a list but don’t really need to take it with me or look at it again it with me or look at it again

5 #3 ► To understand written material: ► A.I usually just have to read it ► B.I read it aloud or talk to someone about it it ► C.I write notes in the margin or highlight

6 #4 ► I am more likely to remember from yesterday: ► A.something I saw ► B.something I heard ► C.something I did

7 #5 ► When I learn math, I prefer: ► read it in the textbook ► have someone explain it to me ► do some problems myself

8 #6 ► I would rather: ► a story ► B.listen to a story ► C.act out a story

9 #7 ► I learn best in classes when: ► A.the instructor uses the board and overhead a lot overhead a lot ► B.the instructor talks a lot ► C.we do a lot of group of activities

10 #8 ► When I’m putting something together (“some assembly required”), I usually: ► the directions ► B.have someone else read them to me ► C.just put it together

11 #9 ► To express myself creatively, I prefer to: ► A.paint or draw a picture ► B.write or listen to poetry or music ► C.make or build something with my hands

12 #10 ► I learn new vocabulary best if I: ► over them ► them out loud ► C.write them out

13 Your Results ► Total your number of responses: ► A= ► B= ► C=


15 Learning Styles ► Your preferred/strongest way of processing information ► May be different for different subjects ► Might have more than one dominant style ► Consider your style when taking notes, reading, studying, and taking tests…

16 VISUAL Style ► Think in pictures ► Examine illustrations and graphs in text ► Write out the answers to review questions ► Use flashcards ► Take notes  Use color coding, symbols, highlighting ► Make lists ► Videos

17 AUDITORY Style ► Read out loud ► Talk to yourself as you work through tests ► Repeat material to be learned ► Ask questions in class ► Ask instructor to clarify or explain ► Listen to your own tape recorded notes ► Study flash cards aloud ► Explain concepts to others ► Form study groups

18 TACTILE Style ► Draw pictures, diagrams, or maps ► Write what you need to learn  Take notes/Keep a journal ► Move around while studying ► Do things with flashcards (sorting, game) ► Outline material ► Recopy notes ► Highlight/Take margin notes in textbook ► Use online tutorials

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