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Uglies VS 1984 Izzy Brancifort, Annie Ludlow, Olivia Hays, and Morgan O’Donnell.

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Presentation on theme: "Uglies VS 1984 Izzy Brancifort, Annie Ludlow, Olivia Hays, and Morgan O’Donnell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uglies VS 1984 Izzy Brancifort, Annie Ludlow, Olivia Hays, and Morgan O’Donnell

2 Introduction  In Uglies, everyone is considered “ugly” until their sixteen birthday when they undergo a surgery to turn them “pretty.”  In 1984, the government controls every aspect of society, and the people in the society are not allowed to have their own opinions or thoughts.  In both, their government leaders tell their people that they are protecting them, but in all reality, they are just protecting themselves from being overthrown.

3 Conformity Olivia Hays

4 Lack of Individuality Uglies  Once pretty, everyone around is pretty  When ugly, everyone around is ugly  “’great’, shay groaned, ‘I totally look like every other new pretty in the world’” 1984  No one may express their own thoughts  Writing own ideas/ views is banned  Government decides every move made  No intimate relationships  “even to go for a walk by yourself, was always slightly dangerous.”

5 Physically and Mentally Uglies Physically  Ugly in eyes of others  Pretty after surgery Mentally  Looked down and made fun of when ugly  “Not into her squinty, narrow-set, indifferently brown eyes. Nobody eyes.”  “I want to see you pretty.”  “They leaped back as if she transformed into a werewolf.” 1984 Physically  May not write opposing thoughts  Must worship Big Brother  Tortured for rebellion  “'Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I don't care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me!’” Mentally  Thoughtcrime  “…sooner or later they were bound to get you.”

6 Brain washing Uglies  Surgery changes ability to think  Brain becomes in mind set of pretty culture/ society  “Maybe the reason war and all that other stuff went away is that there are no more controversies, no disagreements, no people demanding change.” 1984  Gov. influences citizens  Citizens made to think society is utopian  “In accordance with the principles of doublethink, this aim is simultaneously recognized and not recognized by the directing brains of the inner party”

7 Manipulation Izzy Brancifort

8 History  Both societies don’t remember how or when the society started  Only given a selected part of history  1984- the society was given very little of the bad parts of history or fabricated material  Uglies- only tell them specifics and make sure to tell them the old societies ended badly

9 Physical(Looks)  Uglies- change looks at age 16  Society gives them what they think they want  What was made desirable  1984- change how one perceives people

10 Mentally(Knowledge)  Uglies- have lesions put in brain during operation  Moderate what you think, you’re emotions  1984- brainwashed-tortured until they think the way you want them to  Actually changes thoughts

11 Surveillance Annie Ludlow

12 Technology  Uglies  Interface ring  Hoverboard  “unlike other bridges into new pretty town, the old bridge couldn’t talk-or report trespassers, more importantly.”  1984  Telescreen  The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely.

13 Boundaries Uglies  Uglies cannot go into the pretty town  Cannot go farther than certain areas  “a couple months and we’ll be stuck inside the river. Pretty and boring.”shay 1984  Must stay in town limits  “he was in a high- ceilinged windowless cell with walls of glittering white porcelain.”

14 Limitation of actions Uglies  Mandatory surgery to make them “pretty”  Many things that prettys can do that uglies arent allowed to take part in.  “come on, shay. They do all the same stuff we do: bungee jump, fly, play with fireworks. Only they don’t have to sneak around.”Tally 1984  Consequences for uncontrolled or opinionated thoughts  “How could you have a slogan like ‘freedom is slavery’ when the concept of freedom has been abolished?”

15 Utopian Society Morgan O’Donnell

16 Awareness of utopian society. Uglies:  Believe that it is a good thing that everyone looks the same.  There is a false view of pretty.  “’Becoming pretty doesn’t just change the way you look,… ‘It changes the way you think.’” 1984:  Believe that it is normal for them to be restricted from thinking.  Believe that whatever the government says is true.  “War is peace.”

17 Awareness of utopian society. Both Uglies and 1984:  Do not realize that this is not normal.  Believe that their governments are protecting their people, but really they are just protecting themselves.  BELIEVE WHATEVER THEY ARE TOLD!  “Freedom is slavery.” (1984)  “I’m happier in this body.” (Uglies)

18 False Utopia Uglies:  At age 16, everyone is turned pretty (in the eyes of the government).  Truth is hidden from the people of the society.  “Perhaps the logical conclusion of everyone looking the same was everyone thinking the same.”  “’Becoming pretty doesn’t just change the way you look,… ‘It changes the way you think.’”

19 False Utopia 1984:  The people’s of Oceania right of thought is taken away and the ideas of the government are forced upon people.  People are black mailed and therefore are so afraid of the government that they listen to them.  FEAR!  “2+2=5”  Clearly that is not true.  “In the end the Party would announce two plus two made five, and you would have to believe it.”

20 False Utopia Both:  In both societies, their rights are suppressed.  Their governments hide the truth from their people.  Both societies tell their people they live in a perfect place, but the truth is, it is just the opposite.  “This whole game is designed to make us hate ourselves.” (Uglies)  “The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed.” (1984)

21 Conclusion  In 1984 and Uglies, their governments restrict them through:  Conformity  Manipulation  Servellience  Utopian Society  George Orwell and Scott Westerfeld are two authors who created two different societies that were far from perfect.

22 Works Cited  Westerfeld, Scott. Uglies. New York: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division. 2011. Print  Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Penguin Group Inc. 1983. Print

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