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Citation Tools. Citations and References A reference tells the reader where you found the information. A citation is a description about the reference.

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Presentation on theme: "Citation Tools. Citations and References A reference tells the reader where you found the information. A citation is a description about the reference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citation Tools

2 Citations and References A reference tells the reader where you found the information. A citation is a description about the reference that will allow readers to find the information.

3 Is there a need? To build a searchable library of references. Allows the researcher to keep track of where and when you found the information.

4 What types of information can be organized? Full text articles Images Syllabi Papers Keywords Search strategies

5 Citation Tools They come in many formats: Software Online forms Online websites Browser extensions Online sites Tools created by publishers

6 What do they do? Put together the citations in the correct format Connect to MS Word to aide in writing the paper.

7 What do I need to think about? Where can I use it? On the web? Just on one machine? Ease of use. What kind of support will I receive from the creator/company? Cost of purchase and updates.

8 Will these tools take the place of knowing APA? Tools are not perfect Must know APA to verify that the tool is citing correctly.

9 Anything else? Find a tool that works well with your learning style. Don’t starting using a tool the night before a paper is due. Tools are set up for APA, but the Fischler style guide trumps APA.

10 APA-Style Helper Who:APA Cost:$34.95 Where: Issues:Does not work with Word 2007; Could not find trial version; Does not state if it is compatible with Vista. Check out reviews on

11 StyleEase for APA Who:StyleEase Software Cost:$35.00 Where: Issues:Does have trial software. Formats your paper. Must create references, can not import them from databases.

12 APA Format Wizard Who:Recipes for Word (R4W) Cost:$34.99 Where: Issues:Could not find trial version. Formats your paper using paper wizard. Other wizards. Must create references, can not import them from databases.

13 Citation Wizard Who:Wizards for Word Cost:$25.95 Where: Issues:Could not find trial version. Formats your paper using paper wizard. Must create references, can not import them from databases.

14 Citation Wizard Who:Wizards for Word Cost:$25.95 Where: Issues:Could not find trial version. Formats your paper using paper wizard. Must create references, can not import them from databases.

15 Format Ease Who:Guilford Press Cost:$32.95 Issues:Could not find trial version. Centralized Reference List. Cust. Support. Not compatible with Word 2007

16 Reference Point Software for APA Who:Reference Point Software Cost:$32.95 Where: Issues:Could not find trial version. Ability to import references from databases. Customer support

17 Dr. Paper Who:The Write Direction Cost:$19.99 Issues:Could not find trial version. Formats paper. Ability to create references, but not import references. Ability to create unlimited notecards.

18 Citation 9 Who:The Write Direction Cost:$99.00 (69.00 to upgrade from previous version Issues:Trial version to download. Ability to create references, but not import references. Ability to create unlimited notecards.

19 KnightCite Created by a university x.php x.php Only creates citation. APA 2007 not quite correct.

20 Citation Builder nbuilder/citationbuilder.php nbuilder/citationbuilder.php Only creates citation. Not many information types to choose. Does not include Electronic sources, except Websites. Does not include APA 2007.

21 DocsCite cs/docscite/docscite.htm cs/docscite/docscite.htm Only creates citation. Not many information types to choose. Does not include APA 2007

22 OttoBib Only creates citation for books Uses ISBN of the book to create citation.

23 Son of Citation Machine Only creates citation. Also does in-text citation APA 2007 not supported

24 Databases Proquest WilsonWeb Eric(CSA)

25 Zotero Works only with Mozilla FireFox Separately generates in-text cites and references. Ability to import citations and create citations manually. Other…..

26 EndNote Creates in-text and references simultaneously. Import References and create them manually

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