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1. Blogs – Wikis – Journals Presentations (PowerPoint) Interviews Group Work Tests – Quizzes – Labs Discussions 2.

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2 Blogs – Wikis – Journals Presentations (PowerPoint) Interviews Group Work Tests – Quizzes – Labs Discussions 2

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4  When creating online presentations – students can use either PowerPoint or Google Presentation. › Google is a free program – just the basics – but comes in handy if the student does not have MS Word on their computer. › The Google program can be accessed through Google docs. 4

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6 6 Group projects are used in online and face-to- face classes Some students find it difficult to keep in communication with team members Some students dislike groups and others enjoy group work

7  Students usually have access to tests and quizzes for one week  Most quizzes are objective assessments (M/C, T/F, etc.) that are automatically graded  Labs used in online science and technology courses are set up differently and should contain detailed explanations on how to complete  Colleges sometimes require proctored tests – taking test in presence of another person 7

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9  Make list of different types of learning activities required  Read instructions carefully  Make checklist for each activity  For group projects - schedule communication  Mark on calendar when discussion messages are due  Set up technology in advance (e.g., PowerPoint, blogs, wikis, etc.) 9

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