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In Dec-2010 ICANN Board requested advice from ALAC, GAC, GNSO and ccNSO on definition, measures, and 3- year targets, for competition, consumer trust,

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Presentation on theme: "In Dec-2010 ICANN Board requested advice from ALAC, GAC, GNSO and ccNSO on definition, measures, and 3- year targets, for competition, consumer trust,"— Presentation transcript:

1 In Dec-2010 ICANN Board requested advice from ALAC, GAC, GNSO and ccNSO on definition, measures, and 3- year targets, for competition, consumer trust, and consumer choice in the context of the DNS. This advice should help the Affirmation review team measure the success of the new gTLD program Why are consumer metrics important? 1

2 2 Working Group Purpose To produce advice for consideration by GNSO, ccNSO, GAC and ALAC, each of whom were asked for advice by Board. To provide guidance for ICANN to manage and measure the effectiveness of the New gTLD Program prior to the convening of the review team Not intended to limit the scope of the future Affirmation review team to be organized in 2013-2014

3 Proposed Advice – Definitions 3 Consumer: Actual and potential Internet users and registrants. Consumer Trust: The confidence Consumers have in the DNS. This includes: (i) trust in the consistency of name resolution (ii) confidence that a TLD registry operator is fulfilling the Registry’s proposed purpose and is complying with ICANN policies and applicable national laws and (iii) confidence in ICANN’s compliance function

4 Proposed Advice – Definitions 4 Consumer Choice: The range of options available to Consumers for domain scripts and languages, and for TLDs that offer meaningful choices as to the proposed purpose and integrity of their domain name registrants. Competition: Quantity, diversity, and the potential for market rivalry of gTLDs, TLD registry operators, and registrars.

5 Proposed Metrics 5 Consumer Trust metrics measure confidence in registrations and resolutions, and that TLD Operators are fulfilling their stated promise and complying with applicable national laws. Uptime for registry & registrar services Survey consumer trust relative to pre-expansion Contract / policy breach notices & complaints UDRP/URS cases & decisions against registrants Law enforcement & legal actions Relative incidence of spam, fraud, malware, botnets Actual policies vs proposed Mission (Q18)

6 Proposed Metrics 6 Consumer Choice metrics measure range of options available to consumers to make meaningful distinctions when choosing TLDs. Geographic diversity of registrants/registrars Share of new gTLDs having same domain in legacy TLDs Defensive or duplicate registrations Use of IDN scripts # of TLDs in other scripts # of registrars offering IDN scripts in other languages User/registrant awareness/understanding of requirements

7 Proposed Metrics 7 Competition metrics to measure the actual market rivalry of TLDs, TLD Operators, Service Providers, and Registrars. Quantity of new TLDs and new entrants Share of registrations with new entrants Gather data on "unique" & total registrations Gather data on wholesale & retail prices Study of innovation in new gTLDs

8 ALAC’s Consumer Perspective: What’s Missing End-user confusion Growth in use of both domain-based and non- domain-based alternatives for resource access Complaints to, and action taken by, police, regulatory agencies and advocacy groups Transparency of contact information and domain- allocation policies Accuracy of new gTLD promotion to end users Technical issues (incl application support)

9 Next Steps ICANN Board reacts to advice from ALAC and GNSO Staff begins capturing data for metrics Affirmation Review Team forms to begin review, one year after delegation of new gTLDs 9

10 Timeline 10 Advice considered by GNSO, ALAC Staff begins recording metrics Jul 2012 Jan 2015 Jan 2013 Affirmation Review of new gTLD program Jan 2014 New gTLDs delegated Board considers advice and adopts metrics Compare to targets for adopted metrics Jan 2016

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