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Educational Psychology and the Learning of Science Bloom’s Taxonomy Involvement in Science Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Psychology and the Learning of Science Bloom’s Taxonomy Involvement in Science Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Psychology and the Learning of Science Bloom’s Taxonomy Involvement in Science Activities

2 Bloom’s Taxonomy The cognitive domain (knowing thinking) The affective domain (feeling valuing) The psychomotor domain (sensing doing)

3 Cognitive Domain Knowledge memorization of facts, terms, relationships, principles and theories Comprehension paraphrasing, explaining, summarizing what has been memorized putting into students words

4 Cognitive Domain Application Using info to solve a problem or perform a complex task Choosing from among multiple forms of information what applies to a current situation Analysis making comparisons, examining component parts of an item or idea, testing the structure or validity of a statement or item

5 Cognitive Domain Synthesis create a unique approach to solving problem, formulate and test hypothesis, develop and plan of operation Evaluation develop and apply a value system, based on info and experience, make personal decisions upon those values, develop informed decision

6 Affective Domain Receiving Listen, observe Responding Answer, perform task, do what is asked Valuing Choosing for self appropriate actions Organizing change opinion, resolve conflicting values, challenge or affirm belief, defer making a judgment Characterization by a value or value complex

7 Psychomotor Domain Reflexive Movements uncontrolled Basic Movements controlled Perceptual Abilities describe properties, see differences Physical Abilities complex, gross motor Skilled Movements fine motor Nondiscursive Communication nonverbal via movement

8 Levels of Involvement in Science 1. Individual investigation 2. Group investigation 3. Pupil-teacher problem solving discussion 4. Pupil demonstration 5. Teacher demonstration 6. Teacher-centered activity 7. Seatwork

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