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Importance of Livestock Industry Chapter 1 VTHT 2209 Dr. Brahmbhatt VMD, MPH, MS.

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of Livestock Industry Chapter 1 VTHT 2209 Dr. Brahmbhatt VMD, MPH, MS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of Livestock Industry Chapter 1 VTHT 2209 Dr. Brahmbhatt VMD, MPH, MS

2 DAY 1 First day Syllabus Project

3 "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.“ —Michaelangelo

4 Chapter 1: The Importance of Livestock

5 Objectives Functions of livestock Economic impact Cattle industry contribution Meat industry Fiber industry Watusi

6 Livestock – Importance - World World – Food: Malnutrition according to UN 36 million starve annually – Protein requirement: maturation, pregnancy, lactation and recovery from disease Butter cow

7 Livestock – Importance - US US – Largest exporter of agricultural products – Export 120 countries Farmers and ranchers < 0.1% 22% meat; 32% fluid milk; 29% eggs; 41% poultry products

8 Livestock – Importance - US – 2007 Livestock and livestock products (organ, fat, bones, glands): $153 billion Production expenses: $49.1 billion: food; $38 billion: purchase/lease of livestock – 1/6 jobs private employment: Agriculture

9 Livestock – Importance - US Byproducts – Candy, house insulation, gum, sandpaper, wallpaper, ice cream, fertilizers, canned meats, buttons, perfumes, glue, lanolin, gelatin deserts, marshmallows, dice, piano keys, toothbrushes, cosmetics, rug padding, waxes, soap lubricants, printing ink, candles, upholstering – furniture

10 The Importance (cont’d) By-products

11 Livestock – Importance - US Medications: insulin, cortisone, epinephrine, thrombin, rennet, heparin, corticotrophin Research Recreation Green: 64% land mass in US production of livestock

12 Top three in Livestock - US Beef Cattle and calves: Nebraska, TX, Kansas Dairy Products: CA, Wisconsin, NY (TX: #7) Sheep and Lambs: TX, CA, Wyoming – Wool: TX, Wyoming, California Swine: Iowa, N. Carolina, Minnesota

13 US Livestock Trends Cholesterol/ Saturated FA’s: red meat and eggs reductions From docking to trim switch Consumer views and preferences influence livestock production


15 US Livestock Trends Small farming to commercial farming Research: reproduction and nutrition Health: Producer loses 20% income: parasite, toxins and diseases. 10% using effective prevention: CLIENT EDUCATION

16 Veterinary Medicine GOAL of Livestock producer: Most product, highest quality, at lowest cost

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