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Choosing and Caring for Clothes

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1 Choosing and Caring for Clothes
The Principles of Design Chapter 19-3

2 Emphasis The center of interest, or the focal point because it dominates or stands out from contrast - clothing can be more interesting if there is difference in color, texture and shape (line) among objects (accessories) repetition - repeating the shape, color, or line in a garment

3 Balance Objects arranged in even, pleasing ways
symmetrical - formal (identical or matching on both sides) asymmetrical - informal (design is not the same on each side of the design center)

4 Proportion The relationship of parts to each other and to the whole, based on the way space has been divided scale - the relationship of the size of one thing to the size of another

5 Rhythm When the parts of the design have been arranged so that your eye moves easily from one part of the design to another repetition - repeating lines and shapes progression - involves a series of similar objects ranging from small to large or large to small

6 Lines in Clothing Silhouette - the shape formed by the outer lines of your clothing (probably the most important design line in clothing). Structural lines - formed by seams and darts in the making of the garment. The end.

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