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Communication Plan for TSO Armor & Training, Inc. Aaron Flores AET/560 June 17, 2015.

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2 Communication Plan for TSO Armor & Training, Inc. Aaron Flores AET/560 June 17, 2015

3 Overview How to Launch Communication Plan Technology Needed to Accomplish the Plan How to Test its Effectiveness and the Impact of management’s Response to the Organizational Change How to Address Negative Responses or Communications About the Change How the Communication Plan Can Affect Organizational Change

4 Launching the Communication Plan A communication plan may consist of 4 phases Preapproval Phase Developing the need for change phase Midstream Change Phase Confirming the Change Process TSO creates a pitch for management about change TSO will provide the rationale for change It will help with a smoother transition TSO will give staff feedback inform employees about the progress TSO will tell staff when they have completed the change and acknowledge their employees for their hard work and dedication Many change plans will differ from organizations The illustration to the right simulates the 4 stages Margolis, 2015

5 Technology Needed Each person has a learning style or learning curve It is important to identify each learning style This will help to clarify the message by relating each learning style with each person TSO conducts 16 different blocks of training EX: Written and Oral testing Hand-On Training Lectures Videos and PowerPoint Pres. Digital Black Board, 2015

6 Testing its Effectiveness & Impact of Management’s Response Formative TSO will use informal and formal formative assessments TSO will provide status updates during the process of change to upper management This will create opportunities for adjustments as change is taking place Providing clear communication will help reduce resistance Summative TSO will conduct a full analysis at the end of the change process Enables summative evaluation on change leaders effectiveness to facilitate change properly Management will have the opportunity to make revisions or recommendations

7 Dealing with Negative Responses TSO staff may resist change initially TSO will create an environment of trust, fairness and confidence Lack of communication will magnify negative responses It is the change leaders responsibility to provide clear direction TSO will use Kotter and Schlesinger’s six alternatives Education & Communication Participation & Involvement Facilitation & Support Negotiation & Agreement Manipulation & Cooperation Explicit & Implicit coercion (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingols, 2012)

8 How the Communication Plan Can Affect Organizational Change Positive TSO staff will benefit more from the change than before TSO staff will understand the need for change and embrace change TSO staff will be more motivated to be apart of the change process Less resistance for future change plans Negative Staff will resist change through entire process Time and money will be wasted Only if change does not benefit staff and organization Trust will be lost if directed improperly Communication problems will lead to a lack of interest in the change plan

9 References Cawsey, T., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2012). Organizational Change (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection databse. distinction/building-a-culture-of-distinction-program-cycle/ TSO Armor and Training Inc.. (2014). Retrieved from content/uploads/2014/03/LearningStyles.png

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