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Industrial Revolution  “It would be well if, in studying the past, we could always bear in mind the problems of the present, and go to that past to seek.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Revolution  “It would be well if, in studying the past, we could always bear in mind the problems of the present, and go to that past to seek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Revolution  “It would be well if, in studying the past, we could always bear in mind the problems of the present, and go to that past to seek large views of what is of lasting importance to the human race.” - Arnold Toynbee, Famous Historian that first described this time period as the Industrial Revolution - Arnold Toynbee, Famous Historian that first described this time period as the Industrial Revolution

2 Different Ideas Working Together

3 Major Changes To Lifestyles  Decline of farming lifestyle  People working and living in horrible conditions  Population moves to the cities  Spread of Disease  Beginnings of Social Mobility  Improvements to Technology

4 Industry Spreads  Spread of British ideas: - Belgium, Germany, North Eastern USA - Belgium, Germany, North Eastern USA  Ideas smuggled out of Britain  Countries without the political stability, proper resources, or geography fall behind these countries.


6 Industry spreads throughout the World

7 Working and Living Conditions

8 Different Views of the Industrial Revolution  Factory Owner  Rise of the Middle Class  More wealth, political power, and status  Proof of England’s superiority  Overall very positive without many problems

9 Different Perspectives on The Industrial Revolution  Reformer  Critical of the new set of values  Horrified by the living and working conditions  Pushed for Unions  Unions protect needs of workers  See primary source activity

10 Nobility- Old Wealth  Some Old Nobility were anti Industrialist  Looked down upon middle class factory owners and lower class factory workers  Were content with “Old Order”- (feudalism)  Some invested in factories, increasing wealth

11 The Workers’ Perspective  Worked long hours for little pay  Unsafe working conditions  Unhealthy living conditions  No representation in government  Started to form unions

12 Horizontal Integration- One company owns a variety of different forms of a similar product News Corp. (Rupert Murdoch) Wall Street Journal And variety of newspapers Fox, Fox News, Fox Sports Fox entertainment websites

13 Vertical Integration- One company owns all means of production from natural resource or raw material to the finished product McDonald’s Restaurants Potato Distribution and Shipping Center Potato Cleaning and Processing Plant Potato Farms

14 Vertical and Horizontal Fast Food Inc. Pizza Hut Italian Food Distributor Tomato Farm Dairy Farm Taco BellKFC Chicken Processing Plant Chicken Farm

15 Open your textbooks to page 727 and answer the following questions in your notes 1. List 5 growing cities in England at this time. 2. What do the graphs tell you about the population shifts in England at this time? 3. What are some of the benefits of urbanization during the Industrial Revolution? 4. What are some of the problems with urbanization during the Industrial Revolution?

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