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Privacy, Confidentiality, Security, and Integrity of Electronic Data

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Presentation on theme: "Privacy, Confidentiality, Security, and Integrity of Electronic Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Privacy, Confidentiality, Security, and Integrity of Electronic Data
CHAPTER 13 Privacy, Confidentiality, Security, and Integrity of Electronic Data

2 Privacy Confidentiality Security Integrity
Person’s desire to limit the disclosure of personal information Confidentiality The responsibility to limit access to information Security Measures implemented to protect information and systems Integrity The accuracy and comprehensiveness of data

3 Using Computer Systems for Storing Data
Threat to any data element Legal and ethical implications related to storing personal data Medical identify theft

4 Privacy and Confidentiality
Personal Privacy and Confidentiality Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) Patient Privacy and Confidentiality Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

5 Safety and Security Innocent Mistakes
Inappropriate Access by Insiders for Curiosity Reasons Inappropriate Access by Insiders for Spite or for Profit The National Enquirer Unauthorized Intruders Who Gain Access to Patient Data Vengeful Employees and Outsiders

6 Computer Crime Prosecution of Computer Crime
Selected Laws Related to Computing Freedom of Information Act of 1970 Federal Privacy Act of 1974 U.S. Copyright Law of 1976 Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 Computer Security Act of 1987 U.S. Copyright Law of 1995, Amendment

7 Computer Crime National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996 U.S. Copyright Law of 1997 (No Electronic Theft Act) Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 Children’s Online Protection Act of 2000 USA Patriot Act of 2001 Homeland Security Act of 2002

8 Computer Crime Cyper Security Enhancement Act (CSEA) of 2002
Controlling the Assault of Non-solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CANSPAM ACT) Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) of 1984 Identify Theft Enforcement and Restitution Act of 2008

9 Protection of Computer Data and Systems
Develop ongoing educational programs Restrict access to data with passwords Develop encoding procedures Use transaction records to document access Develop biometric methods to identify users

10 Protection of Computer Data and Systems
Protect systems from natural disasters Develop backup procedures and redundant systems Develop and enforce policies for breaches of security Store only needed data Dispose of unneeded printouts by shredding Develop alerts that identify potentially inaccurate data

11 Managing Data Responsibly
Avoid distractions Refuse to share a password or sign-in Attend implementation/orientation classes Keep information out of view of others Develop passwords that are not easy to identify Keep the individual’s own password Report unusual computer activity Encourage patients to understand their rights Keep harmful materials away from computers

12 Tools for Protecting Your PC
Antivirus Software Anti-spyware Software Adware Cookies Firewall Web Browser Security Settings Password Protection

13 User Guidelines for Protecting Your PC
Protecting Your Downloading Files Using the Internet Protecting Your Computer Hardware and Software Protecting Your Data Protecting Your Personal Identify

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