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Biomedical Research Introduction. What is Ethics?  Ethics: The system of moral values. The value of what is right or wrong/good or bad.  Morals: Judgment.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomedical Research Introduction. What is Ethics?  Ethics: The system of moral values. The value of what is right or wrong/good or bad.  Morals: Judgment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomedical Research Introduction

2 What is Ethics?  Ethics: The system of moral values. The value of what is right or wrong/good or bad.  Morals: Judgment of right or wrong in human behavior.  Bioethics: Branch of ethics that deals with medicine and life sciences.

3 Morals/Values What a person perceives as right/ wrong or good/bad can be different depending on their background. – Cultures – Religious background – Gender – Generational backgrounds

4 Is it ok to………But what if…… cheat on a test? lie? speed? Steal? be disrespectful to others?

5 Think about…. Cloning: – animals? Plants? Humans? Testing on animals: – Medicine testing – PETA Genetic Testing – To see if you carry a certain trait that could possibly lead to the disease or disorder. Cancer, etc.

6 Think about…… Transplants: – Who gets the organ 1st? Age: Older/Younger More sick/could live longer without it Has family/has NO family Rich/Poor Criminal/Non-Criminal Life Sustaining technologies: – Should you keep a person on life support to keep alive?

7 Benefits of Biomedical Research Advancements in Vaccinations-Polio, etc. Open Heart Surgery Organ Transplants Why do we use animals to conduct tests on? – Because we need a living system to use for testing. Animals have a system that works like a human and get some of the same diseases and illnesses as us. ( Monkey/Mice/Toads)

8 Animal Testing Is it RIGHT or WRONG to test on animals? – Ethical? (Values, beliefs, morals) – Federal Animal Welfare Act – PETA

9 Biomedical Research Watch Accept the challenge to Care  Biomedical Careers  Animal Testing

10 Mystery Disease Project

11 Who Can Cure Our Mystery Disease? Objectives: – Students will act as biomedical researchers & investigate a mysterious disease. – To review different methods available to biomedical scientists. – Students will compare and contrast, make inferences and link cause and effect.

12 Biomedical Research Team (write on the poster paper) Will Brainstorm and come up with a mysterious disease. – Who is affected by your disease? Only certain groups(according to age, environment, gender, eye color, etc). – How does the disease affect its victims? What are the symptoms? – What will you name this mysterious disease? Why? STEP 1

13 Possible Testing Methods Animal Testing Human Trials Steps: – Research & Development – Testing/Trials Animal Human – FDA Approval US Other Countries have different standards. Keep In Mind

14 Powerpoint Requirements Title Page 1 (5 points) – Include Disease Name & Group member names Page 2 (25 pts) – Who is affected by your disease? How does the disease spread? Page 3 (20 pts) – What are the symptoms? Page 4(20 pts) – What research testing methods did you use to test your newly developed medicine/possible cure? Page 5(30 pts) – Explain the steps you took when conducting your testing. – What was the outcome of your testing? ***IF TIME PERMITS AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR POWERPOINT, you can add clipart/pictures and make your powerpoint “pretty.”*** STEP 2

15 Power Point Presentation Save your work as you go!!! Save as Class MysteryDisease-Your disease name 8-1 MysteryDisease-Influenza Requires legible font(size and style) – Font size should be at LEAST 12 pt.

16 STEP 3 Group/Powerpoint Presentation of your Disease.

17 Case Studies Critically Ill Newborn Sports Case Heart Transplant Kidney Transplant

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