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Security & Reputation protection or restriction?building or destroying? & Reputation helen goss 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Security & Reputation protection or restriction?building or destroying? & Reputation helen goss 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security & Reputation protection or restriction?building or destroying? & Reputation helen goss 2012

2 3pm Overview of Security on the Internet Your personal safety Safer access to social networking sites Practical Facebook session 4.30pm BREAK 5pm Exercise in reputation building and shaping 6pm Finish

3 Security “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” THE BIGGER PICTURE (macro) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 The right to freedom of speech; 10th December 1948

4 Security Child Protection: Protecting children from material perceived as inappropriate, or limiting their contact with people who may harm them Spam: Reducing the barrage of unwanted commercial offers by e-mail or on the Web Data Allowance: Controlling the size of the flow of data any one user is able to access at one time Protecting intellectual property: Preventing employees from sharing information that is viewed as the property of their employer Protecting resources: Stopping people from using their work time or an employer's technical resources for personal activities. Restricting access: Control access to materials or online activities that are banned or regulated in a specific jurisdiction (for example a country or an organization like a school) such as explicit sexual or violent materials, drugs or alcohol, gambling and prostitution. Stopping access to religious, political or other groups or ideas that are deemed to be dangerous, using the excuses that ‘they’ are preserving cultural norms and religious values or protecting national security. Who is in control? Why do they control? Parents, Schools, Universities, Employers, Commerical Companies, Internet Cafes, ISP’s and Governments at different levels THE BIGGER PICTURE (macro)

5 Security National Governments restrict entire populations access to the Internet or whole categories of information or to share information freely See the OpenNet Initiative http://opennet.net “Internet censorship and surveillance are growing global phenomena. ONI’s mission is to identify and document Internet filtering and surveillance, and to promote and inform wider public dialogues about such practices. “ When is it censorship? Who is blocking or Filtering in the extreme? Some people control their own experience of the Internet Others restrict how people use the Internet and what they can and cannot access Who has the ability? Whoever has control of specific parts of the technical infrastructure Many parts of the international infrastructure that supports the Internet are under control of gov or gov controlled agencies Some countries openly admit and publish about it THE BIGGER PICTURE (macro)


7 image:

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9 Security Who is fighting for the rights to freedom of speech on the Internet? THE BIGGER PICTURE (macro)

10 image: I invented the Web just because I needed it, really, because it was so frustrating that it didn't exist.... The concept of the Web is of universal readership... ” “ The dream behind the Web is of a common information space in which we communicate by sharing information. Tim Berners-Lee ” “

11 image: I’m trying to make the world a more open place ” “ Mark Zuckerberg

12 From the Internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defense. EFF broke new ground when it was founded in 1990—well before the Internet was on most people's radar—and continues to confront cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today. From the beginning, EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights.

13 We [Anonymous] just happen to be a group of people on the internet who need... just kind of an outlet to do as we wish, that we wouldn't be able to do in regular society... That's more or less the point of it. Do as you wish... ” “ Trent Peacock: The face of Anonymous

14 Bypassing filtering Ways of bypassing filters are called ‘circumvention methods/tools’ They all work in practically the same way, they instruct your web browser to take a detour through an intermediary computer called a ‘proxy’ that is; Located somewhere that is not subject to Internet Censorship Has not been blocked from your location Knows how to fetch and return content for users like you Security THE BIGGER PICTURE (macro)

15 Security What are the risks of circumvention tools? THE BIGGER PICTURE (macro) It is up to you to decide whether there are significant risks involved in accessing the information you want. This may not be because there is a law against it, there may not, but other risks may be of consequence eg harassment, losing your job or worse. Can you be traced/found out using a proxy server (circumvention tool)? If your server is detecting suspicious activity you could be reported.

16 image: More information on the floss manuals site ‘Bypassing internet censorship’; It describes how the Internet works Various forms of online censorship It elaborates on a number of tools and techniques that might help you circumvent these barriers to free expression The issue of digital privacy and security is considered throughout which begins by covering the basics, adds a few advanced topics before ending with some masterclasses How do I do learn more?

17 Your Personal Control THE SMALLER PICTURE (micro) Safer Social Networking Facebook masterclass Overview of Google+ Looking after your reputation and building a presence on the Internet

18 Safer access to social networking sites Edit your default privacy settings in the social networking platform Know precisely what information you are sharing with whom Make sure that you understand the default geolocation settings, and edit them if needed Only accept into your network people who you really know and trust Only accept into your network people who will be savvy enough to also protect the private information that you share with them, or train them to do so Be aware that even the most savvy people in your network might give up information if they are threatened by your adversary, so consider limiting who has access to which information Be aware that accessing your social networking platform via a circumvention tool will not automatically protect you from most of the threats to your privacy. Also accessing through smart phones discloses the locations of the user of a social networking platform at any given moment

19 Facebook privacy masterclass

20 Exercise in reputation building and shaping

21 Questions and Answers

22 Whats Google +? about circles

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