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Changes Industry and Transportation. What change is being shown? A.Cotton Gin B.Spinning Jenny C.Industrial Revolution D.Interchangeable parts OLD NEW.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes Industry and Transportation. What change is being shown? A.Cotton Gin B.Spinning Jenny C.Industrial Revolution D.Interchangeable parts OLD NEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes Industry and Transportation

2 What change is being shown? A.Cotton Gin B.Spinning Jenny C.Industrial Revolution D.Interchangeable parts OLD NEW

3 # 1: INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION/factory system A total change in the way things were made OLD NEW

4 What were the RESULTS/EFFECTS? a.Urbanization b.Social Classes c.Pollution d.All of the above


6 What change is being shown? a.Factory system b.Interchangeable parts c.Artisans d.All of the above

7 #2 Interchangeable Parts Effects: Parts could be produced in large amounts. Unskilled workers needed – increased effects of the Industrial revolution = MORE FACTORIES

8 What change is being shown? a.Spinning Jenny b.cotton gin c.factory system d.artisans

9 # 3 Inventions = Spinning Jenny Effects: Clothing easier to make, more factories, more unskilled workers, and factories

10 What change is being shown? a.slavery b.Spinning Jenny c.Cotton gin d.sectionalism

11 #4: Cotton Gin Effect: Cotton Gin = increased the amount of slaves in the South – made south rely on slavery more than ever before

12 What change is being shown? a.Canals b.Railroads c.Roads d.Steamboats

13 #5 Roads and Bridges Changes: Improved travel. Government built the National Road. Private companies built turnpikes. Bridges replaced corduroy roads Effects: people move west causing even more roads and bridges to be built!

14 What change is being shown? a.Steamboats b.Canals c.Erie Canal d.Flatboats

15 #6 Steamboats Made water travel much faster Goods could be carried cheaply and quickly = make more money More people could move west

16 What change is being shown? a.Railroads b.Canals c.National road d.All of the above

17 #7 Canals Erie Canal: goods sent from New York City (NYC) down Ohio River. NYC: most important city in the country. (trade). 7C: Led to canals in the North and West. North and the West connected together to make money!

18 What was being shown? a.Locomotive b.Trains c.Railroads d.All of the above

19 #8 Railroads 8A –B: Railroads connected areas on land. Did not have to be near water. Most built in the North and the West.

20 Railroads Continued 8C: Connected North and West more! Allowed towns to be built away from water. More people could move west

21 What were the results of the Industrial Revolution? Manufacturing changed: factories and unskilled workers Class system: people who worked vs. people who owned/ran the factories. –Lower class women and children forced to work in the factories North had factories South did not = more sectionalism!

22 Results continued Cities grew = urbanization (workers moved to cities in larger and larger numbers) Immigration: Jobs = brought more people (most in North) Population grows = More power for the North in government = more sectionalism!

23 What were the results of the transportation changes? New states (1792-1819) Spread of people west. Foreign and Native American problems Spread of slavery in the South but not as much in the North (because of environment) = sectionalism! New inventions to connect the new states: steamboats, canals, and trains North and West tied together because of canals and then railroads = made more money!

24 Other Results: This economic ($) connection led to more sectionalism North and West were advancing the South was not! The National Government will have to pick what part of the country will get what they want. More power for the National Government! Conservative South will be even more upset!

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