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SCATTEGORIES. Science terms Things u do on Saturday Grow up to be Things you take to the beach Winter food.

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Presentation on theme: "SCATTEGORIES. Science terms Things u do on Saturday Grow up to be Things you take to the beach Winter food."— Presentation transcript:


2 Science terms Things u do on Saturday Grow up to be Things you take to the beach Winter food

3 Candy Things you eat for breakfast Types of soda Things that are green Names of cars

4 Girls Names Games without a ball People who wear uniforms Things in a wallet Things you keep secret

5 Pro football teams Teachers at Fairfield Things with a handle Ice cream Flavors Famous people of history

6 Cities in the USA School subjects Vegetables Jobs men do Rap groups

7 Famous women in history Christmas songs Momma don’t like u 2 eat this Famous women athletes U.S. presidents

8 Winter Clothes Places you go at night In the refrigerator Animals in the ocean Snack foods

9 Bad guys in history Pro baseball teams Things in this room A color Things you eat with cheese

10 Movies Pro Basketball Players Stores at the Mall T.V. Shows Video Games

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