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Chapter 3 – The Growth of a Young Nation 3-2 The Age of Jackson

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1 Chapter 3 – The Growth of a Young Nation 3-2 The Age of Jackson
U.S. History Chapter 3 – The Growth of a Young Nation 3-2 The Age of Jackson

2 The Age of Jackson CA Standards:
11.2 Know the effects of industrialization... Objectives: Describe the regional economic differences in the early United States Summarize tensions between national and sectional interests. Examine the crucial issues and events of Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Identify the presidents that followed Jackson and the challenge they faced.

3 Homework Write definition of Terms & Names found on page 130 of textbook Read pages The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century Prepare for Open notebook Quiz

4 Main Idea The Age of Jackson
During a time of growing sectionalism, Andrew Jackson’s election in 1828 ushered in a new era of popular democracy.

5 Why It Matters Now The Age of Jackson
Jackson’s use of presidential powers laid the foundation for the modern presidency.

6 Terms & Names page 120 The Age of Jackson Henry Clay Trail of Tears
American System John Tyler John C. Calhoun John Q. Adams Missouri Compromise Andrew Jackson Jacksonian Democracy

7 Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading
The Age of Jackson Read Pages 37 & 38 Reading Study Guide

8 Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading
1. How did the Industrial Revolution affect each region? Manufacturing increased in the North. The Cotton Gin increased cotton production in the South.

9 Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading
2. What government actions helped to unify the nation? Henry Clay’s American System, the Erie Canal, and the Missouri Compromise helped unify the nation.

10 Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading
3. What change in voting laws helped Jackson win the election of 1828? Most states eased property requirements for voting – allowing many common people to vote.

11 Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading
4. What is the spoils system? The spoils system is when politicians give jobs to their friends and supporters after winning an election.

12 Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading
5. Name three major issues of Jackson’s presidency? The Indian Removal Act The Nullification Crisis President Jackson destroyed the National Bank

13 Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading
6. How did Jackson’s actions cause economic problems during Van Buren’s presidency? Bank failures from Jackson’s war on the National Bank contributed to the “Panic of 1837”, which hurt Van Buren’s presidency.

14 Be prepared for open notebook quiz

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