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 In HP news, the Harry Potter Wiki has gotten refurbished and it’s gotten a makeover! Also, 852 days until ‘Beasts’ comes out!  In Pottermore news,

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Presentation on theme: " In HP news, the Harry Potter Wiki has gotten refurbished and it’s gotten a makeover! Also, 852 days until ‘Beasts’ comes out!  In Pottermore news,"— Presentation transcript:


2  In HP news, the Harry Potter Wiki has gotten refurbished and it’s gotten a makeover! Also, 852 days until ‘Beasts’ comes out!  In Pottermore news, Bulgaria won the 2014 Quidditch World Cup!  In HPLC news, the Order recently had their 19 th meet, and have finished their “Tom Riddle Time Capsule”!  In HPCC news, Hannah Abbott is loving the series!

3  NOTHING happened in the HARRY POTTER world. Too bad.


5  Alecto:  A death eater, sister to Amycus

6  “I guess my guilty pleasure would be listening to the British audio versions of the 'Harry Potter' books.”  - David Sedaris

7  Activity People: We will now present our activities to everyone, and then I will pick the best one, and that person will get a prize!  Quidditch People: After that, we’ll present our lists, and the person with the most people on their list gets a prize as well!

8  The Mega Project Info Page on “Quirrell”  This was Dobbles’ job, but she was not present, so Fliffy did this for her!

9  “Wizard Swears”  MADE BY: The PPP (Potter Puppet Pals)

10  Forgot to add in the last meet that when HRH and Neville encounter Fluffy in Chapter 9, it’s Friday the 13 th anyway!  Ironically, Harry’s broom HANDLE is made of mahogany, which is what his father’s first wand was made out of  Wood doesn’t even know what basketball is, but he has is own set of golf balls!  Harry gets Nimbus 2000, learns Quidditch, and defeats a troll before it smashes Hermione, who becomes Harry and Ron’s friend!  All of the Quidditch balls have enchantments on them, but the Quaffle’s charms are the least visible

11  Quaffles are made of red leather, Bludgers are made of iron  Why don’t teachers use Legilimency to read student’s minds to see if they committed a crime?  The English call boogers “bogies”  McGonagall is VERY harsh – she gave each H, R, and H only 5 points, for saving fellow classmates from a troll!  Wingardium Leviosa seems like a pretty easy spell to need 2 months of preparation beforehand  Quidditch Pitch = Quidditch Field

12  Cyprian Youdle was a Quidditch referee that was killed by a curse coming from the crowd  Hermione uses the Bluebells Flame Charm!  QTTA is by Kennilworthy Whisp  If McGonagall gave Harry 5 points for defeating a troll and that’s cruel, then Snape is VERY CRUEL!  Snape takes Harry’s library book, Harry sees his injured leg, Gryffindor plays their first match against Slytherin, Harry catches Snitch in mouth  It is good to have Hermione as a friend, being that she practically does Ron’s homework  JKR does not match her book events to any calendar

13  Hermione also made the poster flash different colors!  How did Katie Bell get hit with an iron Bludger and not go to the Hospital Wing? Another example of That’s Got to Hurt…Or Did It?  This all happens in the first half of Nov, 1991  Why would Snape have Filch tend to his wound when Madam Pompfrey is a better alternative???  Why are there 15 brooms in the air???  To blatch is to fly into someone on purpose to mess them up  Hagrid got Fluffy from a “Greek Chappie” because 3-headed dogs (like Cerberus) are from Greek Mythology!

14  Last time, noR completed our “Quirrell” Game in the form of a Word Search!  We will now complete it!  I have the solution key, so if you need help, I can help you out.

15  We’re going to watch another PPP Video…  “School is for Looooosers”  Made By: The PPP (again)

16  Now, this isn’t another big Mega Project. That’s still going on during the even-numbered meets.  This project, which I will explain shortly, is a quick one just for this meet…

17  I have new brochures for you all!  Tonight’s assignment is to brainstorm about making a Troll come alive. Write it all down on a piece of paper.

18  What is Hogwarts’ motto in English???

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