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Mobile App 2.0. We need to know more about the audience. We need to know who is coming, who is not coming and why not? We need audience DATA.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile App 2.0. We need to know more about the audience. We need to know who is coming, who is not coming and why not? We need audience DATA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile App 2.0


3 We need to know more about the audience. We need to know who is coming, who is not coming and why not? We need audience DATA.

4 Mobile can help get us that data

5 What about the existing mobile app? Majority of the current app features mimics the website and we can easily recreate it using mobile website.

6 The new mobile app Finger Tap Dance Game Riverdance Music Unlock Exclusive Content Program Guide AR

7 App Registration First Name Date of Birth Last Name Gender eMail City, Country Have you seen Riverdance live?

8 70-80% of all mobile downloads are games

9 53% of mobile gamers are female and 47% are male

10 78% of mobile gamers are in the age group: 18- 55+

11 84% tablet owners play games

12 Finger Tap Dance

13 Tapping fingers on smartphone to the music of Riverdance Virtual dancer (avatar) moves as the player taps Player must keep the rhythm by hitting the highlighted hotspots

14 Finger Tap Dance Social Game: - Invite friends to play together or compete against each other - Play with anyone globally - Collaborative Game Play - group of players try to tap in sync and in rhythm - Competitive Game Play - challenge your friends or anyone across the globe for Riverdance-off!

15 Riverdance Music

16 user is able to listen to riverdance themed music. automatic sharing of what your listening to on facebook.

17 Unlock Exclusive Content

18 Theatre audience have the opportunity to enter a unique code found on their ticket (or program) in the app to unlock exclusive content

19 Exclusive Content: - behind the scenes interviews/videos/secrets - surprise delight - in theatre VIP treatment - meet the cast after the show - early access to next show - preferred seatings for next show - discount of next show - to help bring new customers

20 Unlock Exclusive Content users unable to attend the show has the ability to unlock exclusive content through high game scores

21 Augmented Reality for Program Guide

22 - the app can help drive more sales of program guide by incorporating augmented reality to the program guide. - see the images come alive.

23 - location data - know where your audience is - app notification for future promotional messages - cost advantage of an app - gain attention of younger audience through the game. -personal data through registration - data on theatre audience - enhance Riverdance experience for the loyalist - broaden the audience through the game - location data - know where your audience is - app notification for future promotional messages - cost advantage of an app - gain attention of younger audience through the game. -personal data through registration - data on theatre audience - enhance Riverdance experience for the loyalist - broaden the audience through the game Mobile App 2.0

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