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Presentation on theme: "FUNGICIDES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Disease Control Exclusion Keeping pathogen out Quarantine
Equipment cleaned and sterilized

3 Disease Control Eradication Eliminate or destroy Sanitation
Difficult to achieve 100%

4 Disease Control Resistance Resistance is genetic
Tolerance is ability to endure Still infected

5 Disease Control Avoidance Prevent contact between host and pathogen
Modify environment Planting time

6 Disease Control Protection Chemical Barrier that prevents infection

7 FUNGICIDES Fungicides kill or inhibit fungi
Inhibit growth and reproduction Fungistatic Not all fungicides are curative Some only preventative

8 CONTACT FUNGICIDES Active on leaf surface Inhibit fungal growth
Control for 7 to 14 days Rapidly degrade Light, MO, and exposure

9 CONTACT FUNGICIDES Was most common fungicides Less expensive
Re-registration cost Less expensive Broad range of control Less resistance Multiple MOA Leaf spot diseases

10 PENETRANT FUNGICIDES Enter plant tissue
Provide longer protection than contacts at lower rates As long as 21 to 28 days

11 PENETRANT FUNGICIDES Types of Penetrants
Localized, little or no movement in the plant Translaminar moves across leaf blade Mesostemic moves into cuticle and epidermis

12 PENETRANT FUNGICIDES Types of Penetrants
Acropetal, upward translocation Majority of penetrants are acropetal

13 PENETRANT FUNGICIDES Types of Penetrants
Systemic, true systemic up and downward movement Fosetyl-al (common name)

14 FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE Selection of tolerant fungi by using the same class of chemical Same mode of action (MOA) Fungal pathogens that produce more spores more susceptible to developing resistance Botrytis, powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust Rotate fungicide classes codes

15 FRAC Code

16 FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE Contact prevent fungal growth by interrupting >2 growth processes Penetrants often interrupt only 1 process

17 FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE Humans (Disease) Alien (Contact fungicide)
3 MOA Spit acid Tail spear Mouth #2 If humans develop thick acid-resistant skin, Alien just stabs them with tail or mouth #2 Resistance averted

18 FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE Humans (Disease) Alien Jr. (Systemic fungicide)
1 MOA Suffocation If humans develop ability to breathe out ears, Alien Jr. no longer works Humans resistant

19 FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE Avoiding resistance
Rotate chemical classes (FRAC) Tank mix contacts and penetrants Increases MOA and control spectrum

20 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Benzimidazoles Thiophanate-methyl very popular

21 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Dicarboximides Iprodione Good on flower blight

22 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Sterol Inhibitors Myclobutanil Fenarimol (documented disease resistance)

23 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Strobilurins Synthesized version of antifungal substance produced by fungus Strobilurus tenacellus Feeds on organic matter Inhibits competitive MO Very low toxicity EPA calls reduced risk

24 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CLASSES
Strobilurins Single target site Resistance risk Azoxystrobin (Heritage) Wide range of control Long residual

25 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CLASSES
Strobilurins Trifloxystrobin (Compass) Can travel 2” through air as vapor to other leaves

26 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Oomycete Products Oomycetes cause root rot Not true fungi Phytophthora Phythium Downy mildew Root rot fungicides Fosetyl-al (Aliette) Only true systemic

27 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Broad Spectrum Protectants Contact fungicides Rare resistant problems Chlorothalonil very popular Mancozeb

28 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Biological Antagonistic rather than fungicidal Protective Rootshield (Trichoderma fungus) Root disease Companion (Bacillus bacteria) Root and foliar disease

29 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Inorganic Bordeaux mixture Copper sulfate and lime Copper controls bacterial disease

30 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Natural Neem oil Foliar disease (contact) Various other functions Insecticide Toothpaste Etc.

31 Incomplete list of FUNGICIDE CATEGORIES
Biological Injection-based systems Eco Soil Systems Bacteria (Pseudomonas sp.) BioTrek injection Fungus (Trichoderma)

$210 / Quart 1 oz Terrazole $143 / Quart 7 oz Fenstop $278 / Quart 14 oz Fosphite $48 / Gallon 64 oz COST OF APPLCATION $7 $31 $122 $24

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