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If better is possible then good isn’t good enough.

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Presentation on theme: "If better is possible then good isn’t good enough."— Presentation transcript:

1 If better is possible . . . then good isn’t good enough.

2 skill differences among children at the time of
. . . The problem of skill differences among children at the time of school entry is bigger, more intractable, and more important than we had thought. (Hart & Risley, 1995)

3 To disregard the current research on early reading is
educational malpractice. (R. Lyon, at 2003 Early Reading Grantee Meeting)

4 Quality preschool helps children,
particularly poor children, succeed in school and beyond, and more than pays for itself by reducing the costs of special education, dropouts and crime. In search of universal preschool Published Thursday, June 19, 2003

5 “Fresh paint, computers, supplies are all good to
have, but if we want our kids to learn more, nothing counts as much as inspired and inspiring teachers.” Rita Kramer, Author of Ed School Follies from Education Week, June 14, 1995

6 Information is machines. Knowledge is people. Information becomes
knowledge only when it takes on a “social life” (Brown & Duguid 2000) Leading In A Culture of Change

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