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Breathe exposure appreciation provocation. Organisation Design – a lost HR capability? Ed Griffin Breathe Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Breathe exposure appreciation provocation. Organisation Design – a lost HR capability? Ed Griffin Breathe Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breathe exposure appreciation provocation

2 Organisation Design – a lost HR capability? Ed Griffin Breathe Partnership

3 Purpose of the workshop To introduce the field of Organisation Design and some key considerations when looking at design projects.

4 Master class overview An overview of Organisation Design Complex Adaptive/Evolving Systems – the challenge of organising people! Diagnosing organisational health – the need to re-design or not Constraints & enablers of design work – learning to work with what you’ve got

5 What is Organisation Design?

6 Organisation Design “…translating strategy into the work people do, – through structures, processes, systems, physical space & jobs”

7 Typical Structures

8 Hierarchical

9 Flat

10 Functional

11 Product

12 Matrix or Project

13 Organic … a dynamic, evolving series of relationships, engagements, activities & projects ?

14 So how does organisation happen “naturally”?

15 Complex Adaptive/Evolving Systems Some things have a way of organising themselves and some present a greater challenge!

16 What drives Organisation Design?

17 What are the drivers for Organisation Design in your world? Change of government Change of Secretary of State! Change of policy Competition Collaboration Improved Efficiency Improved patient experience Survival rates Infection levels Care Quality Commission/Monitor … Mid-Staffs? Medical revalidation?

18 So how do you design for … Efficiency Effectiveness Agility Resilience … and your patients?

19 Levels of Work

20 The “Levels of Work” model This ‘model’ or ‘framework’ suggests that all organised work falls into a hierarchy of discrete levels of accountability, challenge and decision- making complexity and discretion. It also relies upon the idea that work at the different ‘levels’ adds value across different ‘time horizons’. Based on the work of Elliot Jaques

21 Complexity, time horizons and value… Level of Work ‘Theme’ (and relative complexity/discretion ) ‘Time Horizon’ 7 Corporate Prescience (massive complexity) 20 years and beyond 6 Corporate Citizenship10 to 20 years 5 Strategic Intent5 to 10 years 4 Strategy Development2 to 5 years 3 Practice1 to 2 years 2 Service6 to 12 months 1 Quality (limited complexity) 0 to 6 months

22 Complexity, time horizons & value The work involved at ‘Level 1’ is often routine and repetitive, with limited scope for individual discretion. Any decisions that are made will tend to be short-term and reactive in nature. The work at ‘Level 2’ involves more complexity. It may include responsibility for managing people working at ‘Level 1’, as well as responding to changing situations and planning the short-term use of resources in order to 1.) maintain service to customers and 2.) control costs.

23 Complexity, time horizons & value The work at ‘Level 3’ tends to combine an attention to current activity with an interest in continuously improving processes and systems. Good performance at this level minimises ‘fire- fighting’ and aims to maximise output quality. The work at ‘Level 4’ would tend to focus upon positioning a business for the next 3 – 5 years, and managing the change and the continuity which that requires. At this level there is considerable scope for individual discretion as well as a constant need to deal with complexity.

24 Complexity, time horizons & value The work at ‘Level 5’ is concerned with strategic intent. It involves choosing and creating the product/market portfolio, foreseeing future trends in the industry and identifying new opportunities for entry, growth and exit. The timeframe is from ‘now’ to maybe ‘ten years from now’. The work at ‘Level 6’ is all about nurturing, sustaining and enriching the goodwill that generates confidence in all stakeholders. It involves the fostering of relationships between the organisation and the wider community in which it operates (and wishes to continue operating) for the next twenty years.

25 Clarity of purpose

26 What are you trying to achieve?



29 Diagnosing organisational health

30 Burke-Litwin Model External Environment Leadership Organisation Culture Mission and Strategy Management Practices Systems and Processes Structure Work Unit Climate Task Requirements & Individual Skills and Abilities Motivation Individual Needs and Values Individual and Organisational Performance Burke and Litwin, A Causal Model of Organisation Performance and Change, Journal of Management, Vol 18, No 3 (1992), pp 523-545 Transformational Factors Transactional Factors

31 A simple, practical mindset “As is” “To be”

32 Constraints & Enablers for Organisation Design

33 Constraints & Enablers to Design Leaders! Technology Locations & layout Accounting systems Budget Headcount Legislation Stakeholders

34 Thank you Ed Griffin 07815-200603

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