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PARTNERS FOR RESILIENCE EU Resilience Programme. Partners for Resilience - The largest community based integrated risk reduction programme globally 

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2 Partners for Resilience - The largest community based integrated risk reduction programme globally  The largest programme integrating Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Ecosystem Management and Restoration (EMR) in humanitarian Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) at community level  Multi-stakeholder: > 40 organisations, multitude of partners  Total budget € 40 million  Implemented in 9 countries, 2011-2015; 500.000 beneficiaries  PfR 2: successor programme with exclusive focus on lobby and advocacy, 50 million; leverage for EU Resilience Programme PARTNERS FOR RESILIENCE

3 Partnering with European Commission Key ingredients to scale up the PfR approach and its steering model, as a pilot.  Proven approach in truly multi-stakeholder, multi-sector, multi-country programme that works on different time and geographical scales;  Finding an effective mix of countries, new and with PfR experience to enable cross learning  The IMDA modality provides a way of managing large grants for the collective  Geographically focused on 4 to 6 (“operational”) countries (ref “Regional programmes” prepared by EU in 2015) as a pilot  The ability to add networks to this “alliance”  The programme contributes to the One Billion Coalition PARTNERS FOR RESILIENCE

4 Steering Model Resilience Programme

5 Background, actions and next steps  Meeting held on June 4 with IFRC and interested EU NSs to discuss way forward (interested NSs – Austrian, British, Danish, German, Spanish and Swedish RC – 4 took part in meeting)  Geographical focus at this stage will be Africa – further dialogue with EC to explore opportunities/instruments  Steering Group needs to be finalised  Set up of Programmatic Working Group  Design of Framework Resilience Programme PARTNERS FOR RESILIENCE

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