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Published byGabriella Ortiz Modified over 11 years ago
Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation ELLCO
Informational Presentation CPIN Network Meeting When you introduce you might ask the group – 1 – How many have heard of the ELLCO? 2 – How many have seen the ELLCO? 3 – How many have used the ELLCO in their programs? This presentation is an informational presentation only. You won’t be going into a lot of detail today. There may be trainings provided later in the year.
Overview of the ELLCO Overall view of effective practice with particular emphasis on language and literacy Grounded in developmental view of literacy Developed by researchers at Education Development Center, Inc. in Newton, MA Bullet 1 - This tool provides an overall view of effective practices in language and literacy. Bullet 2 - Grounded in Developmental theory: Reference David Dickerson is one of the authors of the ELLCO tool so refer to his book: Beginning Literacy with Language. Other books to reference are Learning to Read and Write by NAEYC and Developmentally Appropriate Practices from NAEYC by Sue Bredkamp. Bullet 3 – Read the slide.
Uses of the ELLCO Appropriate for Preschool through Grade 3
Provides basis for self-evaluation School improvement efforts Identify impact of classrooms on children’s language and literacy development Bullets 1, 2, 3 and 4 – Read the slide.
Components of ELLCO Toolkit
Literacy Environment Checklist Classroom Observation Literacy Activities Rating Scale Bullet 1 – You could mention that it is only available in English. Bullet 2 – Hold up Toolkit booklet as you read through the list. Bullet 3 – Available through Brookes Publishing. There is also a participant workbook and a User’s Guide that is available when you go through the training. (Hold up these books as well as you say them.)
Characteristics of the Literacy Environment Checklist
Observer catalogs the reading and writing materials 15 minutes to administer Can be completed when no children are present Inter-rater reliability: avg. 88% agreement Bullet 1 – This is the first component of the tool. It allows observer to catalog the reading and writing materials in the classroom. Bullet 2 – It will take approximately 15 minutes to administer if you are very familiar with the tool. It is quick because you are looking to see if it is either there or not there. Bullet 3 – Can be completed when no children are present, because it can be invasive while children are present - for example, going into areas and counting books. It is best to do when children are not present. Bullet 4 – Inter-rater reliability: avg. 88% agreement. Go in as a team to do this. Review the tool with your partner prior to the visit. If there is a large discrepancy between how you rate things and how your partner rates them, you would compare evidence. You are looking at the EVIDENCE, not relying on your feelings. Let’s look at the sample page in your handouts.
This is the first of 3 pages in the booklet.
You can see it is just a matter of answering “yes” or “no”. It is either present in the room or it is not. Checklist should be completed before the observation with the children present, as it will help you with the actual observation.
Literacy Environment Checklist Items
A total of 24 items in the following categories: Book Area (3 items) Book Selection (4 items) Book Use (5 items) Writing Materials (6 items) Writing Around the Room (6 items) Bullet and sub bullets – Read the slide.
Characteristics of the ELLCO Classroom Observation
Rating scale with 14 items and brief interview 45 minutes to administer Good inter-rater reliability & strong psychometric properties 90% agreement within one point Cronbach’s alpha = .90 Bullet 1 – This is the largest chuck of the ELLCO. It is recommended you spend all day observing the classroom but if you can’t, you can call ahead and find out when the best time to observe language and literacy activities would be. The rating scale has 14 items and a brief interview with the classroom teacher. Bullet 2 – It takes about 45 minutes to administer, if you really know the instrument. Bullet 3 and sub bullets – Read the slide.
Sample page of the observation section
Look at your handout – the components in this section are the ratings 5 to 1 or exemplary – basic – deficient Below the 5-1 ratings are a rubric which has the following there are “anchor statements” which use the terms “strong evidence – some evidence – minimal evidence” below the “anchor statements” are examples that refer to these statements in the left column is the big idea of what you are looking at in the classroom and what the evidence looks like there is also a space to make notes Of the 14 items, there are 2 to 3 that require additional information. This can be obtained during the short teacher interview that happens later. If people begin to ask a lot of specific questions, it may be appropriate to remind them this is a brief overview and that at training, you would go into this more in depth.
Classroom Observation Items
General Classroom Environment Organization of the Classroom Contents of the Classroom Opportunities for Child Choice and Initiative Classroom Management Strategies Classroom Climate Bullet 1 and sub bullets – Read the slide.
Classroom Observation Items
Language and Literacy Oral Language Facilitation Presence of Books Approaches to Book Reading Approaches to Children’s Writing Bullet 1 and sub bullets – Read the slide.
Classroom Observation Items
Language and Literacy Approaches to Curriculum Integration Recognizing Diversity in the Classroom Facilitating Home Support for Literacy Approaches to Assessment Bullet 1 and sub bullets – Read the slide.
Characteristics of the Literacy Activities Rating Scale
9 items in two categories: Book Reading and Writing Record the number and type of literacy activities 10 minutes to score Inter-rater reliability: avg. 81% agreement Bullet 1 – This section is at the end of the tool and is completed at the end of the observation. It is recommended that you go in and do it all in 1 day. Remember to be flexible when you go into a classroom. There are a total of 9 items in 2 categories – Book Reading and Writing. Bullets 2, 3 and 4 – Read the slide.
Look at the handout in your packet.
You can see it is asking you to answer “yes” or “no” and to provide a number in items 1, 2, 3 and 8.
General Guidelines for Observing in Classrooms
Orient yourself to the classroom Be careful not to disrupt ongoing activities while you are observing Be aware of the difference between actual scoring guidelines and personal opinions or preferences Bullets 1, 2 and 3 – Read the slide.
Research on Early Language and Literacy Development
Language and literacy development begin at birth Language is related to literacy Child play fosters literacy Bullet 1 - Now that we have looked at the tool, let’s look at why we would want to complete the early language and literacy classroom observation in the first place. Bullets 2 and 3 – Read the slide.
Research continued Print-rich environments contribute to language and literacy development Read-alouds contribute to language and literacy development Reading and writing development both progress in stages Bullet 1 – Read the slide. Bullet 2 – The ELLCO does not address the many strategies related to read-alouds such as “Dialogic Reading” or questioning strategies. Bullet 3 – Read the slide.
Research continued Children benefit from curriculum that builds upon their prior experiences Strong early literacy classrooms help children compensate for risk factors Home/school contact contributes to literacy development Bullet 1 – Read the slide. Bullet 2 – Risk factors include poverty, learning a second language, or ???? Ask group for ideas. Bullet 3 – Supporting parents who know their children and acknowledging parents as a child’s first teacher is powerful. When the teacher shares with families the strategies that work with children, it can enhance a family’s language and literacy experiences and learning.
Implications of Research
Conversations should be frequent and meaningful Teachers should provide opportunities for the use of higher level thinking and language Vocabulary development is an essential part of the curriculum Bullet 1 – Conversations should be intentional, not just drive by “good job” or being directive. Give personal example here. Bullet 2 – Read the slide. Bullet 3 – Planning the introduction and use of new vocabulary or asking open-ended questions. Think about how you will help children learn vocabulary by bringing in real objects/books/guest speakers/field trips.
Implications of Research
Opportunities for play are crucial Literacy materials should be included in play areas Effective curriculum builds upon child interests Bullet 1 – Children need adequate time to play. Research shows that it takes 45 minutes for the brain to really become engaged in an activity. Bullet 2 – Bring literacy materials to them no matter what area of the classroom they are in – books in all areas, reading materials such as menus, phone books, magazines in the dramatic play area. Bullet 3 – We have to move away from what teachers think is cute or fun and really build on what the children are interested in. This comes from observing children and talking with them in an authentic way, as I referred to in the previous slide.
Implications of Research
Print should be used for a variety of purposes Frequent and interactive read-alouds should be part of the daily schedule Language and literacy skills should be modeled and used for authentic purposes Bullet 1 – It is not just up there for decoration. Bullet 2 – Read the slide. Bullet 3 – Books that children write should be left in the different areas of the classroom. Classrooms should be reflective of all learners. The ELLCO does not address children with disabilities, but the CPIN Regional Leads are going to create a companion piece to the ELLCO that is related to children with disabilities and English learners.
Implications of Research
Effective instruction begins with assessment Parents and teachers need opportunities to exchange information Parents may need specific materials to strengthen children’s literacy skills Bullet 1 – This is difficult for some teachers but aren’t we always assessing children. “Sally is having a difficult time transitioning today, so what as a teacher can I do to support her?” Bullet 2 – Read the slide. Bullet 3 – This can validate what parents are already doing. Information should be shared and not just confined to the classroom.
Questions & Answers Does anyone have any questions?
Are there any comments about the ELLCO tool?
Contact Information Regional Leads add individual information to this slide
Activity - A Closer Look
Look at the items in your assigned area and in your table groups brainstorm: What would an Exemplary classroom look like? What would a Deficient classroom look like? Choose a recorder and a reporter Each group reports out This activity can be done after slide # 7. Go to slide view and click on this slide. Cut the slide and move cursor to the space between 7 & 8 and click. Then hit paste. DIRECTIONS FOR ACTIVITY: Use the cards provided in your kit: Book Area-Book Selection-Book Use-Writing Materials-Writing Around the Room Give one card to each group. If you need to have 2 groups do the same card that is fine. OPTION: You can use the Exemplary/Deficient worksheet if you want or they can write it on their own paper. Show them the slide and read through it. Ask if there are any questions. Give them about 7 minutes to brainstorm. Don’ forget to give them a reminder a minute or so before you bring the group back together. Ask each group to share out their list. You want to hear from each group. If there isn’t enough time then at least hear part of their lists.
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