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Published byLauren Hunter Modified over 11 years ago
Social-Emotional Development Foundations for Teachers
Focus on Social Interactions
Session Outcomes Become familiar with Preschool Learning System components developed by the California Department of Education, Child Development Division. Become familiar with the social-emotional development foundations with a focus on the social interactions strand. Understand the format and content of the foundations in the Social Interactions strand. Experience the synergy of social interactions. Review the outcomes for the day. Tell participants this year we will learn what they are, what they say, what they mean and how they are organized.
Friendship Bingo Objectives: Get to know your colleagues Instructions:
Complete the Bingo Board Instructions: Circulate among your colleagues. Meet as many people as you can. Try to record a name in each space. Use each person’s name only twice. Record as many names as possible. Objective: Today’s activities are adult versions of the kinds of strategies you may see in a program that promotes social interactions among children. This activity illustrates how individual members in a group are simultaneously similar and different from other members of the group. Provide each participant with the Friendship Bingo handout. Review objectives and instructions. Tell participants the amount of time they will have to complete this activity. (recommended time 10 min) When the time has elapsed, debrief by identifying who recorded the most names, the participants whose names were used to fill some of the boxes with more unusual prompts, and the observations participants made as they completed this activity. Emphasize how social and emotional development is ongoing and it occurs throughout the day as children interact with their peers and adults. Social interactions are part of our daily lives. Therefore, as preschool teachers we facilitate, model, support, and encourage social interactions.
Agenda Welcome A guided tour of the social-emotional development domain sections Key points from the Introduction A closer look at the Social Interactions strand What’s next? Read through the agenda, highlighting the following: Guided tour: We will begin with an overview of the social-emotional development domain sections as a whole and identify what information is provided in the domain materials. Key points from the Introduction: This will include information about the underlying assumptions, and how these foundations can be used with children with special needs and with English-language learners. A Closer look: We will look more in depth at one of the three strands that make up the social-emotional development domain—the Social Interactions strand. And finally, in What’s Next, you will learn more about CDD’s timeline for foundation development over the next several years.
Norms Start on time and end on time. Turn cell phones off.
Help the group stay on task. Listen to thoughts and ideas of others. Contribute your thoughts and ideas. Use this as a slide if you want and/or chart them.
Parking Lot Please write questions on post-its and place them on chart paper titled “Parking Lot.” Slide optional: Place a couple of parking lot papers in the room.
Facilitator to say : “This is a visual of California’s Preschool Learning System.” We will quickly review the five elements. This will better enable us to see how the foundations fit within the larger Preschool Learning System. Background: Element One: The Preschool Learning Foundations are at the center of the Preschool Learning System. The focus is on the child and his/her development. Foundations describe what children learn. Statewide preschool foundations provide all teachers and programs with a common knowledge of the expectations and goals for children. The foundations will be useful as teachers plan activities, the environment, and interactions. Element Two--The Prekindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines were developed to guide programs in providing an appropriate preschool experience. The PreK Guidelines will be updated to reflect the foundations. Element Three: California Department of Education is currently developing a preschool curriculum framework. The framework will provide guidance for using the foundations for program planning, development, and instruction. CDE does not develop a curriculum for preschools. In California, curriculum is a local decision. Element Four: The fourth component of the preschool system is the Desired Results Developmental Profile-Revised (DRDP-R). The DRDP-R is a reliable child observation tool. Teachers use this developmental continuum to measure children’s progress. The foundations describe what children learn, the DRDP-R is used to assess and document what children have learned, and is being updated to align with the foundations. Element Five: The final component of the Preschool Learning System, professional development, provides teachers with opportunities to acquire skills and competencies to provide a high-quality program. Professional development is available through many sources including, but not limited to, the following: CPIN, Mentor Teacher program, Child Development Training Consortium, pre-service, and the Faculty Initiative Project.
Preschool Learning Foundations ~Domains~
English- Language Development Social-Emotional Development Language and Literacy Currently, California has developed Preschool Learning Foundations for four domains: social-emotional development, language and literacy, English-language development, and mathematics. This year foundations are being developed for: visual and performing arts, physical development, and health. In 2009, foundations will be developed for history/social science and science. Today we will be looking at the social-emotional development domain. Mathematics
How Is the Social-Emotional Development Domain Organized?
A Guided Tour How Is the Social-Emotional Development Domain Organized?
The Sections Introduction The Foundations Bibliographic Notes Glossary
References and Source Material Suggest that participants use the post-its or whatever you provide to tab these sections. You may also ask them to hold up a green card when they have found a section and tabbed it to let you know that you can go on to the next section. As you present each bullet- you can tell a little bit about the sections. Then let them find it in their document and tab it. Introduction: It is important to realize that the Introduction contains valuable information about the domain, including underlying assumptions and the use the foundations with children with special needs and with English-language learners. Foundations: The foundations describe what children can learn at around 48 months and 60 months. Today we will focus on the social-emotional foundations. Bibliographic Notes: These contain the research related to the strands in each domain. Glossary of terms: These are terms that are defined in each domain to support the understanding of the content. References: This section includes research upon which the social-emotional development foundations are based. Other states’ standards were also reviewed in the development of the California foundations. There is a summary list of the social-emotional development foundations in the appendix on page 173.
Jigsaw Introduction (paragraphs 1-2)
Assumptions (paragraph 3) p. 1 “The CDE’s…” Diversity (paragraphs 5-7) p. 2 “Children are a…” Children with special needs (paragraph 8) p. 4 “Likewise…” How children learn (paragraphs 9-10) p. 4 “Young children…” Basis for foundations (paragraphs 11-12) p. 4 “The preparation…” Before we get into the social-emotional foundations themselves, it’s important to become familiar with the information provided in the Introduction. Each group will receive a chunk of introductory material to read, and will present the important content of their chunk to the rest of the group. This slide may be adjusted to meet the needs of your group. Topics listed on this slide represent one way to divide the Introduction. Feel free to revise to best meet the needs of your group. One option might be to divide the reading into the sections based on the content in slides There are several ways a facilitator might process this jigsaw. Some examples include the following: within tables (e.g., each person at the table reads a different section and reports to his/her table) or as individual tables (e.g., each table reads a different section and reports to the whole group).
Key Points The slides that follow highlight some key points from the Introduction. If each of the key points is not articulated by participants during the jigsaw activity, these slides provide a way to ensure that the key points are discussed. If the points are articulated during the jigsaw activity, these slides can be reviewed quickly as a way to validate the participants’ work. Option: As participants articulate each of the key points during the jigsaw, use these slides to debrief after each group presents.
What are Social-Emotional Development Foundations?
California Preschool Foundations describe behaviors typical of children who are making good progress toward being ready for school when they enter kindergarten. Emphasize that the goal of the social-emotional development foundations is to describe typical development, rather than to articulate aspirational expectations for children’s behavior under the best possible conditions or the behaviors we seek to instill in children. The statement on the slide can be found on page one of the Introduction.
Developmental and educational research tells us that…
school readiness consists of social-emotional competencies as well as cognitive and motivational ones. This information is from page 1 of the domain Introduction.
It is important to remember that
these foundations, especially the behavioral examples for each foundation, are not meant to be assessment items; rather, they are meant to be guidelines and teaching tools. This information is found on page 2 of the Introduction.
Underlying Assumptions
Young children have access to the appropriate kinds of social interactions, experiences, and environments that normally support healthy development. The facilitator should connect the assumption to classroom practice. For example, for children to achieve the foundations, the classroom must provide appropriate social interactions, experiences, and environments. This assumption can be found on page one of the Introduction.
Underlying Assumptions cont’d
Children are a remarkably diverse population….Different children will display skills relevant to each domain in individual ways. Children vary in their temperamental qualities and personality, family background, cultural heritage and values, and other features that make the application of these foundations (and the behavioral examples included in each) a challenging task. Therefore, the examples should only be used for illustrative purposes. Early childhood educators will use the foundations to guide program practice, and they will use the DRDP-R to assess children’s achievement of the Desired Results and the foundations. This comes from page 2 of the Introduction.
Underlying Assumptions cont’d
These foundations must be used especially carefully for children with special needs. Children who have special physical or mental challenges, neurodevelopmental disorders, or other special needs proceed developmentally in ways that are similar to, but also different from, more typically developing children. We rely on their caregivers and teachers for the special insight needed to understand how these foundations can be applied to the children in their care. This assumption can be found on the top of page 4 of the Introduction.
Underlying Assumptions cont’d
Culture is… directly related to the meaning of these foundations and their application to particular children, especially children who are from underrepresented groups, English-language learners, or from special populations. There are not really enough studies focused on children from other languages and backgrounds, and the studies that exist are often so specific to children from particular backgrounds or circumstances as to be of limited generalizability. A number of important studies were enlisted in the preparation of these foundations, but it is clear that further research is needed. This assumption can found on page 3 of the Introduction.
Underlying Assumptions cont’d
Young children acquire social and emotional competence in ways that are often different from how they acquire competence in naming letters or numbers. As illustrated in the Introduction, social-emotional skills emerge through children’s experience in close relationships and the varied activities that occur in relational experience, such as shared conversation, warm nurturance, and guided assistance in learning capacities for sociability, responsibility, and self-control. Social and emotional skills also develop through the shared activities of a developmentally appropriate, well-designed preschool environment. This assumption can be found on page 4 of the Introduction.
Underlying Assumptions cont’d
Play is a central context for social and emotional development in early childhood. Although these foundations focus specifically on developmental changes in only one kind of play (specifically, pretend play), it is apparent that many kinds of play contribute to social-emotional competence in preschoolers, including social play with caregivers and peers, play with toys and other objects, structured group activities, and even games with rules. This assumption is located on page four of the Introduction.
Universal Design for Learning
To make the foundations helpful for all of California’s children, it is important to provide opportunities to follow different pathways to learning. Universal design provides for multiple means of representation, multiples means of engagement, and multiple means of expression. Multiple means of representation refers to providing information in a variety of ways so that the learning needs of the all of the children are met. Multiple means of expression refers to allowing children to use alternative methods to represent what they know, or what they are feeling. Multiple means of engagement refers to providing choices for activities within the classroom that facilitate learning by building on children’s interests. This information comes from the Introduction to the book, not from the domain Introduction. Remind participants at this time that there is valuable information in the general Introduction that applies to all domains.
Foundations and the DRDP-R
How the Foundations and the DRDP-R Work to Complement Each Other
Foundations and the DRDP-R
At around 48 and 60 months A guide and teaching tool DRDP-R Developmental continuum An assessment tool Note that the foundations describe what children can do at two discrete points in time, at around 48 months and at about 60 months. On the other hand, the assessment tool, the DRDP-R, describes preschool children’s development on continuum of levels: not yet, exploring, developing, building and integrating as well as emerging, allowing teachers to pinpoint where along the entire continuum a child is at in their development.
The Social-Emotional Development Domain
Foundation Organization
Domain Social-Emotional Development Age Strand Substrand Foundation The foundations for the social-emotional development domain are organized to include the following: strands, substrands, foundations, foundation descriptions, and examples. Description Examples
Map of the Foundations Social-Emotional Development
Domain Strand Self Substrand Age Age Foundation Foundation description Distribute the handout version of this slide to participants. This slide illustrates the way the foundations are organized. This example is the Self strand of the social-emotional domain. Use a laser pointer to draw participants’ eyes to each part of the page. Point out: The name of the domain (social-emotional development) The name of the strand at the top of the table (in this case, Self) The name of the sub-strand (Self-Awareness) - note that substrands always end in “.0” The two age levels (at around 48 months and at around 60 months). Remind participants that the foundation describes typical behaviors at around 48 months and at around 60 months. The foundations—note that there are TWO foundations on this page, one for each age level The foundation description (this is unique to the social-emotional domain) The examples (reminder that these are only a few of the ways that children may demonstrate the foundation) Examples
The Three Strands Self Social Interactions Relationships
There are three strands in the social-emotional domain. Today, our work will focus on the social interactions strand. In the future, there will be training modules on the Self and Relationships strands.
What’s the difference? Social Interactions = sociability with other people to whom the child does not have a close relationship Relationships = close relationships children create with adults and peers At first glance, the Relationships strand may look very similar to the Social Interactions strand. The main difference between the two strands is that Relationships addresses children’s relationships with close people in their inner circle such as family members and family friends, while Social Interactions addresses sociability with people who are less close to the child, such as teachers and classmates.
Treasure Hunt Establish groups of three participants.
Complete the Treasure Hunt. Answer as many questions as possible before the time is up. Good Luck!! Distribute the Treasure Hunt handout to participants. Ask participants to form triads. For larger groups, consider having participants number off to form small groups. Provide the participants with their instructions and the amount of time allocated for this activity. (Recommended time is 10 minutes. Adjust as needed) Each group will work together to “locate as many treasures” as possible. Each person should record on his/her own handout, as the handout may serve as a resource subsequent to the session. When the time has elapsed, solicit the answers to each question from the participants. Use this opportunity to tailor highlights to the individual group’s needs or concerns. This is a good time to explore and correct any misconceptions.
Social Interactions A Closer Look
Slides after the current slide will explore the Social Interactions strand.
Research Several research teams have found that differences in aspects of self regulation predicts young children’s reading and mathematics achievement. Young children who are more competent in understanding others’ feelings have been found, for example, to become more academically competent in the primary years. The research on social-emotional development is fascinating. For example, a few interesting items are: Bullet 1: Found on page 22 of the social-emotional development foundations (Alexander, Entwisle, and Dauber 1993; Howse and others 2003; NICHD Early Child Care Research Network 2003a). Bullet 2: Found on page 23 of the social-emotional development foundations (Izard 2002; Izard and others 2001; see also Dowsett and Huston 2005; Raver 2002; Raver and Knitzer 2002). Now you will have an opportunity to review the research in the Bibliographic Notes.
Bibliographic Notes Locate the Bibliographic Notes section.
Read your assigned substrand notes with your table partners. On your chart paper, write down a research highlight from your section. Give each table a piece of chart paper and markers. Ask participants to turn to the Bibliographic Notes. Explain that the Bibliographic Notes are organized in the same order as the foundations to allow quick access to the reference material. Assign each table one of the substrand notes sections to read from the Social Interaction strand: Interactions with Familiar Adults, Interaction with Peers, Group Participation, Cooperation and Responsibility. Instruct groups to read their section and to record on their chart paper a “research highlight” they found interesting. Give groups 10 minutes for this task. When they are done, ask each table to read their recorded research highlight and post their chart paper on the wall. If there are more than four table groups, you can either have multiple tables work on the same section of notes, or you may break sections into smaller pieces.
Do Re Mi… The more we get together, together, together
Oh the more we get together, the happier we’ll be. For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends. Facilitators might consider using this or another transition song to regroup for the next activity. Using transition songs is one way to highlight songs that help build social interactions. Participant packets include this and other songs and activities that relate to social-emotional development.
Mission Possible Review the foundations for each substrand in the Social Interactions strand. Divide chart paper in four sections. Label each section with one of the substrands. Interactions with Familiar Adults Interactions with Peers Group Participation Cooperation and Responsibility Create a visual representing each substrand in the appropriate section. This slide represents one method of processing the foundations for each substrand in the Social Interactions strand. Processing methods may vary based on group size, time allocated, and audience. Other methods might include, but are not limited to, the following: each table focuses on one substrand; or each person at a table focuses on one substrand; or two tables join and pairs at each conjoined table focuses on one strand. Ask participants to review and discuss the assigned substrand(s). In considering this substrand, each group should think about the key points and the way to create a visual to help them remember those points. The visual may be a symbol, picture, or a few words that represent the essence of the strand. Note: It is important that participants understand the task. Facilitators should check for understanding and circulate among the tables to ensure that participants are engaged in the activity, as assigned.
Sharing the Wisdom Pair with another table Share your charts
Exchange charts and return to your tables This slide represents one method of sharing the collective knowledge to foster deeper understandings of the substrands. Processing methods may vary based on group size, time allocated, and audience. Other methods include, but are not limited to, the following: a visual carousel—groups post their charts and circulate among the charts to view each group’s chart, or each group shares an assigned substrand with the large group, or UN Meeting—each group selects an ambassador to share the highlights of the group’s chart with another group.
Finishing Touches Add three activities or strategies you currently use to support the development of each substrand. Look through the Preschool DRDP-R, Measures Record one Measure that relates to each substrand in the each quadrant. Return the chart to your partnering table group with a Thank YOU! This slide represents one method of sharing the collective knowledge to foster deeper understandings of the substrands. Processing methods may vary based on group size, time allocated, and audience. Other variations include, but are not limited, the following: each group adds to its own chart and shares with another group; each group adds to its own chart and shares with the table with which they paired; or each group adds to its own chart and shares one strategy with the larger group.
Sharing the Wisdom cont’d
Review your chart with the new additions. Post your finished chart on the wall. Review the other groups’ charts. Record any strategies and/or ideas that you might try in your program. This slide represents one method of sharing the collective knowledge to foster deeper understandings of the substrands. Processing methods may vary based on group size, time allocated, and audience. Remind participants that the Prekindergarten Learning and Developmental Guidelines pages is a good resource for additional ideas on what a socially-emotionally supportive preschool classroom might look like.
Next Steps During 2008 – CPIN will continue to provide professional development to teachers and administrators about the Preschool Learning Foundations. Winter 2009 – Curriculum framework information sessions and professional development will provide guidance about how to integrate the Preschool Learning Foundations into state-funded preschool programs.
The entire document is online at the California Department of Education Web site. You can look at a specific section or download the entire document. This slide shows the way the Web page is designed. The Appendix contains a summary list of the foundations, excluding the examples and other material.
CDE Web site At the Web address, the underlined Preschool Learning Foundations link takes you to the publication. There you will have easy access to the chapters and sections within the 192 page publication. The Appendix, on pages , provides a summary list of the foundations. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are posted on the website. Questions can be sent to Read the first bullet. Web handout On pages in the Appendix you will find a summary list of the foundations, excluding the examples and other material. Hold one up to show how small it is. Remind them that the preschool foundations address on the previous page is also on the CDE Web site. Many questions were asked during the extensive public review process. CDE has developed a set of Frequently Asked Questions to provide the answers to those questions. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document is a living document. Over time, new questions will be added and existing responses may be clarified as needed.
To Purchase The Preschool Learning Foundations publication will be available for purchase from the CDE Press after February 28, 2008 for $19.95. Ordering information can be found at the CDE Web site or by calling Remind participants that there is a handout in their folder with ordering information.
What We Will Take Away… Discuss the three most important things to remember about the social-emotional foundations. Share your thoughts with the whole group. Provide participants a quiet minute to reflect on their day. In table groups, participants should discuss what they consider to be the three most salient features of the social-emotional foundations. Each group should select a speaker and one item to share with the whole group. As participants share, the facilitator should chart the tables’ responses.
Q & A
Goodbye Song MAKE NEW FRIENDS Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver and the other gold. OPTIONAL: Sing the song as a round. This song is included as another example of songs that may be used to foster social-emotional development.
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