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Restoration potential and effects on the Neponset River.

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1 Restoration potential and effects on the Neponset River

2 NepWRA

3 Elliptio complanataPisidium spp.

4  83 of 297 species extinct in North America Most imperiled organisms (55% of species) IUCN Red listed Little funding available (2003 US$24k/sp.)  Sensitive to environment Habitat degradation Dams, land use changes siltation, pollution Hydrologic regime Flow, temperature  Host specific dispersal  Neponset-specific problems: Toxic metals Summer low-flow conditions, high temperature Low clearance rate Unlikely to solve eutrophication problem

5 Williams et al. 1993


7  Native Unionids: Low Density 0.006 to 2.327 mussels per m 2 Filtration rate 1 to 2 l/hr/g AFDM Total optimal clearance: ~23 l/m 2 /hr  Invasive Dreissenids: High Density 2.5 to 2.6x10 5 mussels per m 2 Filtration rate ~5.8 l/hr/g AFDM Total optimal clearance: ~5500 l/m 2 /hr

8 D. polymorphaD. Rostriformis bugensis


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