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Media Literacy as a Specific Optional Subject in Gymnasia Bozena Jelusic, literature, mother tongue and media literacy teacher

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1 Media Literacy as a Specific Optional Subject in Gymnasia Bozena Jelusic, literature, mother tongue and media literacy teacher (; ) “Media Literacy in South East Europe: a regional approach and exchange” Tirana, October 28 -29. 2010.

2 School reform in Montenegro (School reform was strong supported by FOSI –Representative Ofiice Montenegro) Reform process 2000 - 2000. Curriculum Revision Optional subjects Civic values education: through whole curriculum and specific optional subjects as: civics, human rights, media literacy, history of religions, EU integrations, communikology, but process is still opened) Visibility of the subject through TV interviews, press, teacher training…)

3 Media literacy Started 2007/2008. One year optional subject in second or third class of gymnasia Two connected lessons weekly Subject program authors: Bozena Jelusic, Montenegro, Tomislav Reskovac, Croatia Teaching materials: Montenegro Media Institute (authors: Janko Ljumovic, Dragoljub Dusko Vukovic, Montenegro) Teacher training (NGO Pedagogical center, Bureau for Educational Service)

4 Main goals of the media literacy subject Achieving awareness of the media role in our lives Critical reception skills (Five Key Concepts of Media Literacy)  All media are CONSTRUCTIONS  All MEDIA have its own LANGUAGE  AUDIENCES negotiate meaning in media  Media contain IDEOLOGICAL and VALUE messages  Media have COMMERCIAL implications Production media texts skills, regarding the specific media language Promoting & including media literacy elements in different school subjects (mother tongue and literature, sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, arts)

5 Subject modules Seven not strongly divided but connected modules Kaleidoscopic in its complexity (Provides an opportunity for integrating all subject areas) Reading media txt & producing media txt (focusing on process skills rather than content knowledge) All media included (Engages students bringing the world of media into the classroom connects learning with "real life" and validates their media culture as a rich environment for learning( Main goal is to use media, not to be used by media (Meets the needs of students to be wise consumers of media)

6 1. Module practice examples 7 day statistics of pupils “media life” Statistics: how many hours in school, with media, with parents, friends, sleeping? Following a specific TV program – contents (media purpose) Teaching material – media genres Writing a paper article for various public

7 Construct - 2. Module (examples) Media txt as a construct Empiric & media reality (real event and its representation in two differrent ways) Deconstruction & producing media txts 3 daily newspaper in Montenegro – 3 pictures of the state Experiencing role of the editor Barry Levinson: Wag the dog (debate)

8 Media language - 3. Module (examples) Media language: press, radio, TV, new media The same content in various media MediaLit Kit (we try not to invent “hot water” and to use the experience of others) Students make their own media text examples (use cell phones cameras, cameras, papers…) Creative technics: fiction strategies in media, arts and media Student produce advertisements for various media

9 Reception - 4. module Reception of the media txt (Public, audience) How I can understand this message? Minorities, discrimination, stereotypes Women in media mirror – construct of the woman (teaching materials, a book prepared by NGO Nova – Center for feministic culture) Minorities in media (Roma population, persons with handicap - teaching material by Montenegro Media Institute) Producing media txts regarding various public and their needs

10 Values: 5. Module Values and ideology – how to recognize their aspects Critical attitude toward violence, pornography, stereotypes, entertainment industry…) Case study (advertising, lifestyles, private life nad media, violence, woman representation) Propaganda, manipulation, civic initiatives ( ecology & sustainable development )

11 Purpose – 6. Module Profit & nonprofit media txts; private & public service Students learn how to connect media txt & the media owner (public opinion) Big media information providers (global village) Media and war in former Yugoslavia (starting with the book: Ranko Bugarski Language from the peace to war) Students produce media txt regarding its educational, aesthetic, entertainment, political or commercial purpose)

12 Media, Ethics, Politics - 7. Module The public service role The right to information and to privacy The importance of media autonomy Journalist ethic principles (again: Experiencing role of the editor) How I can use media in various civic initiatives? (Case study: last student protest against bad implementation of final external exam in Montenegro ( - lesson learnt) A media campaign of the selected important social issue

13 Never ending story Media literacy & digital literacy Born digital versus digital immigrants (pupils are constantly connected) Role of the school in rethinking: Identities Dossiers (cause of concern) Privacy Safety Creators Digital Natives are tremendously creative) Pirates Quality Overload Aggressors (they will move markets, transform industries, education, an global politics) Innovators Learners Activists (Examples an ideas form: John Palfrey & Urs Gasser, BORN DIGITAL, Understanding the first generation oF Digital Natves)

14 Pupils are supplied by Working material on 2 DVD/DVX Vocabulary of media literacy School facilities (computers, camera, projector…) School media theory library (mostly: CLIO production, Serbia and others) Teacher send the students presentation and material by e- mail They make feed back to teacher Students like the subjects very much, and often attends the lessons regardless they choose the subject or not.

15 Problems appeared Teachers (negative selection during last 2 decades – the best ones very often go for the better salary) Lack of technical facilities in some Montenegrin schools More real enthusiasts and parents who talk with their children about good and bad in media Various ideas I expect to get in Tirana! Thank you!

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