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 A volcano is a mountain that forms when magma escapes the through the crust and cools.

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2  A volcano is a mountain that forms when magma escapes the through the crust and cools.

3  Magma comes to the surface because it is less dense then the rock. Remember, substances of lesser density float on top of more dense items.

4  Magma chamber :  The large underground pool of liquid rock found beneath the surface of the Earthrock  Main Vent:  A point source of the Earth's surface where lavas ash and gas are erupted. lavas  Lava:  Molten rock that reaches the earth's surface through a volcano  Crater:  a bowl-shaped formation at the top of a volcano.  Layers of Ash and Lava:  As ash settles and lava cool, more and more layers accumulate.  Secondary Cone:  A second opening to the volcano attached to the main tube, allowing gas, ash and lava to escape.

5  Is wide and flat.  It forms from a quiet eruption.  Lava flows out quietly and for great distances

6  Has tall, very steep sides.  Has explosive eruptions.  This eruption produces a lot of cinder and ash.

7  Form from explosive eruptions.  Produce a lot of lava and ash.  Is small, with steep sides.

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