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Jamie Petersen Administrative Assistant - Stormwater Front Desk: (402) 471-4220 Michael Crisco Program Specialist – Storm.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamie Petersen Administrative Assistant - Stormwater Front Desk: (402) 471-4220 Michael Crisco Program Specialist – Storm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamie Petersen Administrative Assistant - Stormwater Front Desk: (402) 471-4220 Michael Crisco Program Specialist – Storm Water Office: (402) 471-2023, Fax; -2909 NDEQ Stormwater Contacts:

2 The Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why of Stormwater Permitting for Nebraskas Airports. Who is subject to Stormwater permitting? What do I have to do get permitted? When do I have to have this done? Where do we get these permits? How do I maintain compliance? Why are these permits required?

3 First, some background regarding NPDES… Section 402 of the Clean Water Act established the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to reduce pollution in U.S. waterways through permit regulations. The U.S. EPA delegates authority to Authorized States like Nebraska to grant NPDES discharge authorization numbers to permit applicants. Any U.S. facility subject to NPDES regulations that does not have a discharge authorization, may be in violation of Municipal, State and Federal law.

4 Point / Non-Point Source Discharge Pollution NDEQs authority to administer NPDES discharge authorization numbers extends to both point and non-point sources of pollution. Point Sources are generally associated with end of pipe discharges; Non-Point Sources often come from more dispersed discharge areas like construction, industrial or municipal Stormwater runoff sites. Both point and non-point source pollution discharges in Nebraska are very serious and must be prevented to ensure the quality, safety and security of our states extraordinary water resources.

5 Nebraskas NPDES - Stormwater Program point source discharge authorizations are usually permitted individually (1- application, 1- permit); while non-point sources like Stormwater are permitted on a general basis (many applications, 1-permit). NDEQ administers two general Stormwater permits statewide: –Construction Stormwater (CSW) –Industrial Stormwater (ISW). Applicable Nebraska facilities seeking compliance with state and Federal Clean Water Act compliance under these permits must seek coverage through NDEQ to receive a discharge authorization number. Only valid discharge authorization numbers from NDEQ will ensure compliance with NPES requirements in Nebraska.

6 Who is subject to Stormwater Permitting? All Nebraska landowners planning construction activity that disturbs 1 acre or more must seek coverage under NDEQs Construction Stormwater (CSW) general permit. All Nebraska industrial facilities in applicable categories and/or with specific Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes must seek coverage under NDEQs Industrial Stormwater (ISW) general permit. Because Airports have a NAICS code of 48 and/or an SIC code of 45, they are categorically required to submit a complete, correct, verifiable NOI to receive an ISW discharge authorization number.

7 What do I have to do get permitted? First, you must get an Application Packet from NDEQ. Second, read the permit. (know what you are signing!) Third, you must submit a complete, correct and verifiable Notice of Intent (NOI) to request a discharge authorization number from NDEQ. Note: incomplete, incorrect or unverifiable NOIs cannot be processed and will be returned without a discharge authorization number being assigned to the applicant!

8 Where do I get permit applications? To obtain copies of NDEQs NPDES Construction (CSW) and Industrial Storm Water (ISW) General Permit Packets: Call Jamie Petersen @ 402/471-4220 to have the appropriate packet mailed to you. Or, Download and print the PDF version from our website by following this path:, Publications and Forms, NPDES, Applications and Forms, and finally… NPDES Permit for Industrial Storm Water Discharges and/ or NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Sites.

9 When do I have to have this done? Construction Stormwater (CSW) NOIs must be submitted at least 1week before construction. However, 7 calendar days after submission of a complete, correct and verifiable CSW-NOI the applicant may begin permitted construction. For Industrial Stormwater (ISW) discharge authorizations, the Notice of Intent must be submitted 180 days before commencement of operations.

10 How do I maintain compliance? Any changes in the information submitted on your NOI must be submitted to NDEQ within 30 days! If monitoring is required, both the frequency and reporting requirements must be diligently completed. (Note: if your Stormwater discharge affects 303d-listed impaired waters of the state, expect monitoring.) An adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that specifies how your particular facility will prevent the discharge of non-point source pollutants must be developed and revised.

11 Components of the SWPPP 1.Facility Map or Diagram - accurately and clearly showing all drainage areas and outfalls; 2.Identification of all Potential Pollutants throughout the facility; 3.Explicit delineation of all Pollution Control Strategies a.k.a. Best Management Practices (BMPs) that address handling of potential pollutants; 4.Outline of Spill Prevention & Response Practices (SPCC); 5.Description of an ongoing Employee Training Program; 6.Documentation of Annual Facility self-Inspection and SWPPP Revision.

12 Recommendations regarding SWPPPs It might be best to incorporate the 6 components of your SWPPP into an Environmental Management Plan This Environmental Management Plan could be administered by the airport's Authorized Representative / Designated Environmental Manager However, the cognizant official who signed the NOI is ultimately responsible for the implementation of the SWPPP as well as the ramifications of its effectiveness.

13 Why are these permits required? 1.Eliminate the discharge of stormwater pollution to protect the health, safety and welfare of local, state and countrywide citizens and ecosystems; 2.Local, State and Federal regulations require facilities to be in compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, violating facilities may face suspension of activities; 3.Moreover, non-permitted stormwater dischargers may be subject to severe Municipal, State ($10,000 per day / per violation pdpv) and Federal ($27,500 pdpv) penalties.

14 But, Nebraska doesnt have stormwater pollution problems…

15 To clear the skies regarding Stormwater… Contact us. Jamie Petersen Administrative Assistant - Stormwater (402) 471-4220 Michael Crisco Program Specialist – Storm Water Office: (402) 471-2023, Fax; -2909

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