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Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.  What is the most important component in developing a positive learning environment?  Name 3 – 5 strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.  What is the most important component in developing a positive learning environment?  Name 3 – 5 strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment


3  What is the most important component in developing a positive learning environment?  Name 3 – 5 strategies used to build/maintain a positive learning environment.

4  Setting the Tone from Day One:  Attention Getting Signals; One Spot: culture culture  Setting and Achieving High Expectations: management management  Ready to Learn; Creating a Positive Classroom Culture: culture culture  I Love a Silent Start: tone tone  Homework - Caring and Control; Creating a Safe, Positive Classroom: safe-classroom safe-classroom

5  Seating Chart  Doorway Greeting  ‘Bell to Bell’ – provide structure and pacing.  Expectations – keep it simple.  Be in Charge  Routines – teach, practice and reinforce.  Appearance  Build Relationships - Be Proactive/’Fill the Bucket’

6 Essential Question – What makes an effective and efficient teacher? Daily Learning Targets: I CAN… - …develop a comprehensive Lesson Plan that includes effective strategies and activities. - …develop a ‘draft’ Student Growth Goal for 2015-2016

7  Curriculum – What we teach.  Instruction – How we teach.  Assessment – How we measure student learning.

8  Common Core Anchor Standards (KCAS)  Grade Level Standards  Pacing Guides  Unit Goals/Plans  Daily Learning Target  Learning Plans

9  Objectives and Feedback  Reinforcing Effort and Recognition  Cooperative Learning  Cues, Questions and Organizers  Nonlinguistic Representations  Summarizing and Note Taking  Homework and Practice  Compare and Contrast  Hypothesis – generating and testing *Source; Classroom Instruction that Works


11  Formative (Assessment for Learning) – used to measure student learning in relation to the DLT and to inform instruction (i.e. observations, Q&A, Exit Slips, etc…).  Summative (Assessment of Learning) – used as a measure of overall student learning. Generally, a Summative Assessment includes the assignment of a grade (i.e. Unit Test, Mid-Term, state assessment).

12  State Assessment/K-PREP  End of Course – high school  EXPLORE, PLAN and ACT  Interim – MAP (also used as the Universal Screener)  Common Assessments  Learning Checks – elementary and middle

13  Standard (KCAS)  Daily Learning Targets  Summative Assessment  DLT Assessment  Instruction

14  General Information  Flashback  Standard  Daily Learning Target – “I Can…” statement  DLT Assessment  Instruction: Accommodations/Modifications/Adaptations Thinking Strategies  H.O.T. Questions (Higher Order Thinking)

15  Set (1 st 10 minutes)  Instruction/Mini-Lesson/Crafting (25%)  Guided Practice/Composing (50%)  Closure/Reflection (Last 5 – 15 minutes)  Sponge (i.e. H.O.T. Questions)

16  Doorway Greeting  Begin at Bell  Flashback (5 minutes)  Review (optional, but recommended)  Daily Learning Target (What you are going to learn.)  Relevancy Connection (Why this is important.) - Real-Life Connection - Connection to Standard  Agenda (post/review)  Expectations  Assessment (How learning/performance will be measured.)  Pre-Assessment (“Let’s talk about what you already know.”)

17  Design a complete lesson using the following resources: -KCAS/Curriculum Guide -Expanded Lesson Plan  Share



20 1. Preparation and Planning 2. Classroom Environment 3. Instruction 4. Professional Responsibilities 5. Student Growth

21  Review the TPGES domains, elements and indicators.  Self-Assess where you were in spring of 2014.  Identify areas of focus and/or growth for the fall of 2014.

22 Step 1: Determine needs Step 2: Create specific learning goals based on pre- assessment Step 3: Create and implement teaching and learning strategies Step 4: Monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieved the goals 22

23 Learning that…  …ENDURES beyond a single test date,  …is of value in other disciplines,  …is relevant beyond the classroom,  …is worthy of embedded, course-long focus,  …may be necessary for the next level of instruction.

24  Anchor Standards – Reading, ELA, Science, Social Studies and Technical  Mathematical Practices – Math  Engineering Concepts – Science  KY World Language Standards  KOSSA Standards  National Standards – Visual Arts, Performing Arts, PE, etc.

25 ENDURING LEARNING WHAT IT ISWHAT IT ISN’T Worthy of extended focus Fundamental to learning in other disciplines Aptitude that has value and utility beyond one narrow context Foundational for the application of content Applicable beyond school Can be measured over time

26 ENDURING LEARNING WHAT IT ISWHAT IT ISN’T A sub skill Explicit content knowledge An activity A skill with limited application A strategy for learning

27 ENDURING LEARNING Writing Example EXAMPLESNON-EXAMPLES Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. -Establish the significance of claims - Create logical organization of claims, reasons and evidence -Use words, phrases and clauses to create cohesion Sub Skills

28 ENDURING LEARNING Reading Example EXAMPLESNON-EXAMPLES Summarize key ideas of a complex text -Differentiate between bias and evidence. -Differentiate between essential and irrelevant information. -Skimming or scanning a text. Sub Skills Strategy

29 ENDURING LEARNING Science Example EXAMPLESNON-EXAMPLES Develop models using an analogy, example, or abstract representation to describe a scientific principle or design solution. Create a model of an erupting volcano using vinegar and baking soda. Activity

30 ENDURING LEARNING Social Studies Example EXAMPLESNON-EXAMPLES Produce an argument to support claims with appropriate use of relevant historical evidence. Describe point of view for primary and secondary sources. Use Chicago Style correctly when citing evidence. Improve student perception of history. Sub Skill Strategy Disposition


32 For the 2015-2016 school year, 100% of my students will make measurable progress in argumentative writing. Each student will improve by at least one performance level in three or more areas of the LDC argumentation rubric. Furthermore 80% of my students will score a 3 or better on the scoring rubric. Student Growth Goal Sample

33 1. Identify the Enduring Skill 2. Consider the Baseline Data 3. Set a Growth Target 4. Set a Proficiency Target 5. Write a Goal that is S-M-A-R-T

34  List 3 – 5 of the most important things that you learned over the past 2 days.  Make a list of your priorities for the 1 st month of school with students.

35  Classroom  Seating Chart  Expectations  1 st Day Presentation/Activity  Lesson Plan – 1 st week  Practice the Set (1 st 10 Minutes)

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