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Types of Texts Label this assignment Types of Texts Notes and # 17 in your table of contents.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Texts Label this assignment Types of Texts Notes and # 17 in your table of contents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Texts Label this assignment Types of Texts Notes and # 17 in your table of contents.

2 Sequencing In real life, things happen in a certain order. You do one thing. Then you do another thing. This is called sequence. Sequence is the order in which things happen. Another name for sequence is time order. Words like after, before, while, then, next, first, and last are clues to the sequence of events. Another clue is the natural order of events.

3 Sequencing The events in a story are usually told in the order in which things happened. Mr. Chung yawned. He folded the newspaper neatly and placed it on the table. He put the cat out, locked the doors, and trudged slowly up the long flight of stairs.

4 Sequencing Sometimes events may be told out of order. Before he got his bike, Sam checked the tires. Did Sam get on his bike first or check the tires first? The word before tells you that he checked the tires first.

5 Sequencing Now read these sentences. While dad fixed the pancakes, the rest of us started packing. Unfortunately, as a result of yesterday’s rain, some of the clothes were still damp. Which of these events happened first: the packing, the rain, or fixing the pancakes? Which two happened at the same time? How can you tell?

6 Compare and Contrast Everyday you use comparing and contrasting when you look at things or read a book. When you compare things, you tell the ways they are the same. Only things that have something in common can be compared. When you contrast things, you tell the ways they are different.

7 Compare and Contrast Sometimes the transition words a writer uses can also be signal words. For example, the words both, same, also, like, similar to, and in comparison are used when the writer is comparing. The words different from, unlike, on the other hand, and in contrast are used to show contrast.

8 Compare and Contrast Bats are one of the types of animals that sleep during the day and hunt for food at night. Though bats can’t see in the dark, they don’t run into things. They make tiny noises when they fly. The noise is so high we can’t hear it. The bats hear the noise when it bounces off things around them. Then they know where everything is. This is how bats find their food. Owls are another type of animal that comes out at night. Unlike bats, owls can see very well at night. But they don’t use their eyes to find food. Similar to bats, owls use their hearing to find food. An owl can hear a mouse running in the grass.

9 Description A detail is additional information about what you are reading. A short piece of writing that presents details on one subject is called an article. Reading an article for details is not the same as reading a story just for fun.

10 Description Read this paragraph. The name Minnesota comes from two Sioux Indian words meaning “Sky-tinted waters.” The name suggests one reason why millions of visitors spend their vacation time in Minnesota each year. Minnesota has thousands of inland lakes covering more than 4,750 square miles. What descriptions are included in the paragraph?

11 Cause and Effect A cause is the reason something happens. The lack of oxygen at high elevations on Mt. Everest… The climbers found themselves trapped in a violent storm. An effect is something that happens as a result of a cause. …resulted in the climbers’ inability to think clearly. The crew was forced to pack up and return to base.

12 Cause and Effect Clue words can help you identify whether something is a cause or an effect. The words because, for this reason, and since signal a cause. Words such as so, consequently, and as a result signal an effect.

13 Problem and Solution What is the problem? What are the solutions? Who worked to solve the problem? Has the problem been solved yet, or will it be solved in the future? What caused the problem?

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