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4612 Paddock Road·Cincinnati, OH 45229·· 513-351-7921. 1-800-392-7921 People Working Cooperatively.

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1 4612 Paddock Road·Cincinnati, OH 45229·· 513-351-7921. 1-800-392-7921 People Working Cooperatively

2 We are a non-profit construction & energy conservation company Our dedicated staff includes over 90 skilled craftsmen and administrative professionals, who provide home repairs, maintenance services, weatherization and energy conservation, for very low income homeowners. Who is PWC?

3 Our services… Practical, critical repairs-nothing cosmetic-that impact the home’s safety, functionality and energy usage.  Emergency and Critical Repairs  Modifications For Mobility  Energy Conservation Services  Volunteer Services

4  13 counties served in OH & KY  Emergency service 365 days a year  Average of over 32 repairs performed each day  Over 11,000 services annually Our clients …  Average income is under $13,000 a year  Over 6,000 households served  33% of households had children under 18 in the home  12% of households were single parent At a glance…

5 2008 Completed Services All Programs/ All Areas Energy Conservation / Education5539 Plumbing 1426 Furnace / AC – Repair, Replacement 698 Roofing & Gutters 481 Structural, Other 535 Electric 325 Accessibility 447 Volunteer Services1573 Total 11,024

6 2008 Services by Southwestern Ohio County County Number of Services Dollars Invested Hamilton 7151 $6,246,000. Adams 5 12,250. Brown 35 34,650. Butler 1040 1,164,700. Clermont 558 531,350. Warren 225 284,000.

7 We have one of the largest volunteer programs in Ohio and Kentucky. Tangible community impact: 6,000 volunteers from the greater Cincinnati region volunteered over 40,000 hours of service last year. Volunteers helping out in their own community – having an immediate and visible impact on their neighbors. Volunteer Provided Services

8 Community return on investment Leveraging Corporate 34% Government 54% United Way 1.5% Contributions 10.5%

9 Some of Our supporters

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